1. Limited geographical presence: Aris Mining Corporation operates primarily in Canada, which limits its exposure to other potentially lucrative mining markets around the world.
2. Smaller scale operations: Compared to some of its peers, Aris Mining Corporation is a relatively small company with limited resources and capacity to undertake large-scale mining projects.
3. Limited diversification: The company's focus on gold and silver mining means that it is heavily reliant on the performance of these commodities, which can be volatile and subject to fluctuations in demand and pricing.
4. Higher operating costs: Aris Mining Corporation's operations are relatively expensive compared to some of its peers, which can impact its profitability and ability to compete in the market.
5. Limited technological capabilities: The company may be at a disadvantage compared to its peers in terms of technological innovation and efficiency, which can impact its ability to extract resources efficiently and cost-effectively.
6. Limited access to capital: As a smaller company, Aris Mining Corporation may face challenges in accessing capital and financing for its operations, which can limit its growth potential and ability to compete with larger peers.