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Halfway Mine

Contact Gold Rush Expeditions
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Ph: 385-218-2138

The Halfway Mine is lode and placer property located on Halfway creek for which it is named. The mine is located in the Little Pipestone District, just outside of Butte, Montana.

The mine is noted for recovery of gold in flake and small nuggets. Placer and light lode work can be executed with no Notice of Operation on a small scale. The stream was sampled in 2014-2015, using a Gold Hog unit and showed recovery of a few grams with a few minutes of work.

The Halfway has no documented history. The mine is located roughly 1000’ off of a main trail and there is a bridge crossing required to access the property. There are remains of a mining camp, likely from the 1940s-50s. This was a common time for small miners to be working their properties for extra income.

It appears that the mine likely originated from the placer gold in the creek. There is some subsurface development, 35’ as documented. The workings are timbered at the portal but cut into the granordite host rock. The target is iron stained quartz veins within the host rock. Where this is found there is also gold in many cases. Visible gold was noted and sampled in the subsurface workings.

There is roughly 1000’ of creek-front access for placer operations. There are numerous pools and short falls that have not been addressed in any way. The depth of the bedrock is unknown. Dredge operations will require permitting through the Montana DEQ, this is a quick and simple process and will allow for more substantial development of the property.

The region has thick tree cover and is not trafficked. There is a good flat outside the mine that is ideal for staging equipment and setting up camp at the site. It is legal to camp for up to 14 days and conduct casual use operations at the property. Any activity outside that will require a permit.

The Little Pipestone district is noted for a good number of producing placer mining properties. These placer properties are reported to produce gold along with Amythest gems. The lode properties in the district have produced gold and little else.

The Halfway is a rare opportunity to acquire a producing gold mine in the highly coveted mountains surrounding Butte, Montana. The property covers 30 acres total with a 20 acre lode claim and an overlapping 20 acre placer claim.

Contact: Gold Rush Expeditions
Use code JRM1003 for a 10% discount.
Terms and Conditions apply.
Ph: 385-218-2138