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Blackwater Project II Mine Property
20 Acre Lode Claim – Atolia Mining District

San Bernardino County, California

Contact Gold Rush Expeditions
Use code JRM1003 for a 10% discount.
Ph: 385-218-2138

Gold Rush Expeditions, Inc. is proud to present the Historic Blackwater Project II Mine Property. The Blackwater Project II Mine is a 20 acre lode mining claim for sale exclusively through Gold Rush Expeditions, Inc. The Blackwater Project II Property is located outside of Barstow, California. This mineral Claim has been properly staked and marked at all corners.

All Gold Rush Expeditions, Inc. claims are meticulously surveyed, mapped and researched. On-site field work is completed by Corey Shuman and Jessica Shuman, nationally recognized Mineral Surveyors with over 36 years of combined experience.

This claim is part of the historic Blackwater project that was executed in the early 1980s by Homestake Mines. The Blackwater Project II Mine has roots back to the late 1800s when native gold outcrops were defined on the small mountain. The Blackwater Project II Mine was held by 3 main companies until early 1990s when the Homestake Mines group defaulted on the leases. There was some exploration and development that was done in the 1970s and into the early 1980s. Homestake Mines leased the property in the early 1980s amid the gold spike.

The Blackwater Project II mine should be viewed as primarily a gold producer. There are assays and some limited production numbers available but they are not verified. The Mines are known for producing a high OPT ratio of native gold. The Blackwater Project II consists of a series of two adits, currently only the lower portal is accessible. The upper portal has slough at the entrance and is not safe to access with out some clearing work.

The claim is located roughly 20 miles from the ghost towns of Atolia. An area of many mines and a lot of history, but no amenities. It’s a long but smooth dirt road out to the mining claim. The roads are easily navigable by most vehicles with decent ground clearance. In dry conditions, it is easily possible to get a high clearance 2WD vehicle to the claim.

The mining claim is located in the Atolia mining district. Due to the location and weather in the area, this mineral claim could be worked year round. This is a desert region and very remote. Warm day temps and cool night temps will be common. There are no resources on the claim so claimant should plan to pack in all required food, water, and supplies.

History of the Blackwater Project II Mine
The Blackwater Prospects are characterized as a volcanic hosted precious-metal hydrothermal cell located in the California Desert.
The Blackwater flow dome complex is characterized by; (1) acid-sulfate alteration assemblages, brecciation and silicification, and (3) anomalous precious metal and trace element values which suggest this prospect represents the upper portion of a hydrothermal gold-silver system.
The Blackwater Prospect is located approximately twenty miles east of the Randsburg-Johannesburg Mining District in San Bernardino County, in Sections 26, 27, 34, and 35, Township 29 South, Range 43 East. The prospect area is readily accessible by gravel roads east of U.S. Highway Route 395.

The area is located west of the Blackwater Well Wilderness Study Area, north of the Historical Site at Blackwater Well, and south of the China Lake Weapons Testing Center. No production or any record of activity was found in a literature search for the area. However, numerous prospect pits, shafts, adits, dumps and access roads reflect historic exploration activity. It is hypothesized, due to the proximity to the Randsburg-Johannesburg Mining District and Blackwater Well, the prospects on the Butte were investigated for precious metals during the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. Later, in the 1950’s-1960’s, adits were driven to determine mineralization.

The Blackwater Well Historical Site, south of the Butte, was a watering station for the 20 mule teams which hauled borax from Death Valley to Mohave. Westmont (formerly Nicor) staked the property in 1984 and conducted an initial evaluation. In 1987, the area was restaked by P. Drobeck, J.P. Rogowski and L.W. Watson, who leased the unpatented claims to Homestake Mining Company in 1988. A detailed evaluation has been conducted and a drilling program proposed to test this hypothesis.

Summary of Geochemistry
High Values Background Values
Au 2.1 ppm 0.020 ppm
Ag 213 ppm 0.10 ppm
Sb 1300 ppm 5 ppm
Hg 60 ppm 0.10 ppm
The anomalous precious metal values and trace element signatures indicate the existence of a precious metal hydrothermal system at Blackwater Butte and have aided in the identification of numerous target areas. Precious metals and trace element values and exposed alteration assemblages suggest high to moderate potential exists for concealed precious metal mineralization.[1]

1. United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management California State Office Sacramento, California, 1989

Asking Price: $15,000

Contact: Gold Rush Expeditions
Use code JRM1003 for a 10% discount.
Ph: 385-218-2138