long shot mineral property arizona

Detailed Information

Long Shot Mineral PropertyContact Gold Rush Expeditions
Use code JRM1003 for a 10% discount.
Ph: 385-218-2138
Email: goldrush@goldrushexpeditions.com


The Long Shot is a well established lode silver and gold mining property consisting of 40 acres of lode mining claims. The mine is located in the heart of the Arivaca Mining District in southern Arizona. The mine is documented as being worked by “mexican miners” as far back as 1600 AD.

The Long Shot is a gold and silver producing property with some copper valuations. The property was last worked from 1984-1986 according to Arizona Geological Survey reports. AZGS also reported average shipping ore values of 27 oz. per ton in Silver along with copper, lead and gold.


The mine has also been referred to as the Deer Mine due to claim owners in 1973 who staked it as the Deer Mine and began cleaning out the old workings. It has also been called the MCM, the Longarina and the Cottontail mine. All referring to the same workings.

There was a millsite associated with the property that is not included with the current claim block. The millsite was surveyed and found to have little value on its own. It is assumed that any milling will be carried out offsite and as such there is no benefit to attaching the millsite.

A report from 1985 document the surface values on the property with a good gold recovery average of .238 oz/T.

The primary access to the mine is through a small swath of State Trust Land, for which crossing a permit will be required. This is estimated at $1000.00 per year for a secured right of way. Short of gaining permission for this crossing, a small road could be cut across public land to intercept the existing roads on the property.


The primary development at the property is at a shaft with an intact head frame. This working is reported to be roughly 100’ in vertical depth cut at an 80° incline. There are 3 drifts, 1 at the 30’ level and 2 at the 90’ level. The vein is reported to be 18”-24” in width. Assays directly from the vein at the 90' level reported at 1.1oz/T AU and 60.0 oz/T AG. The length and strike of the vein are estimated at over 10,000’ and run NE and NW. There are at least 22 veins defined on the property that range from a few inches wide up to 6’. Assays are consistent on these veins.

There has been no reclamation or federal interference on the property since it was abandoned by Cruz Silver Mines in early 1991. The mine building and headframe are intact and largely usable. The roads in the area are usable and in good condition.


The actual mines and portals have suffered from erosion and lack of maintenance and will require some rehabilitation. largely timber and shoring work.

The mine has overall suffered from being a large silver producer, in an era when silver pricing was dropping and low, as the silver prices increased, cost of development and environmental remediation also increased.

The mine would require very little to be brought back into production and further development. The established reserves of silver and gold that are in place on the property would more than cover costs of a major operation and bonding. This would allow for development of the veins on the property, which have been roughly established and, based on assay and geological reports, will have a far higher value than any of the existing material on the property.


Contact: Gold Rush Expeditions
Use code JRM1003 for a 10% discount.
Ph: 385-218-2138
Email: goldrush@goldrushexpeditions.com

Contact Information
Located outside of Arivaca, Arivaca, AZ, United States

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