joe wheeler gold and silver mine in colorado for sale

Detailed Information

Joe Wheeler Mine Contact Gold Rush Expeditions
Use code JRM1003 for a 10% discount.
Terms and Conditions apply.
Ph: 385-218-2138


The Joe Wheeler Mineral property is a silver and gold mine in the Alder Creek District. The Alder Creek District is famous for its rich silver deposits and easy workings. The district was immortalized by Zane Grey in his book “The Border Legion” where a large portion of the book takes place with the Miners working in the Alder Creek District.

The property is made up of 3 main mines with other portals and air vents throughout. The mines are cut on a general trend that tends to show more chalchopyrite and gold ores as it decends. The lowest portal on the property is known as the Joe Wheeler Mine and is an adit that extends roughly 175Â’. The portal has been closed and will require some effort to reopen. In wet seasons there is some water that discharges from this portal. This portal was originally known as the Golden Wave prior to 1900. It presumably intersects the shafts that are 375Â’ up the hillside from the portal. There are also two small adits, both collapsed directly in line with the Joe Wheeler mine that are assumed to intersect with the upper levels of the mine as noted in historical mining reports.


There is a mining camp just east of the Joe Wheeler adit. The camp is rather substantial for the location, and contains an explosives storage shed and bunk house made to house 8-10 individuals. The building is circa 1920-1940 based on the windows and chinking method of binding the logs.

Near the northern end of the claims is the most recent development on the Joe Wheeler site. A headframe and hoist house, circa 1960-1980, sits over a timbered shaft. The shaft is gated by the Division of Mines and Reclamation and can be accessed with an exploration permit. The shaft is filled with stagnant water. This indicates that the shaft does not intersect with the Joe Wheeler adit below, or there is a blockage somewhere between the two mines.


Either option will require a new operator to take care in re-opening the workings. A drill program may serve to further define the scope and scale of the workings in addition to mapping the ore deposits.

The dumps on the Joe Wheeler property are broken up into 5 distinct areas and have been individually sampled.

Dump 1
Located at 11,000Â’, which is the northern most site with the headframe and hoist house, contains a vastly different type of dump material than the other mines. The material is highly oxidized and also shows a large amount of galena which appears to be lead-heavy. Samples assay at 6.809 oz/T AG, and 0.388 oz/T in AU.

Dump 2
Located at 10,987Â’ is from a smaller mine, likely less than 100Â’. It is at nearly the same elevation as Dump 1 but the material is finer and shows little oxidation. Galena is present in some brown, grainy host rock. Samples assay at 1.54 oz/T AG, 0.167 oz/T AU.

Dump 3
Located at 10,675, is the Joe Wheeler adit. This dump is slightly oxidized and shows pyrites, some quartz and galena. Samples assay at 2.294 oz/T AG, 0.311 oz/T AU.

Dumps 4 and 5
Are in line with the Joe Wheeler adit and show similar dump material. Assays were combined for this material and showed 3.327 oz/T AG, 0.283 oz/T AU.


The water coming out of the Joe Wheeler is clear and does not show oxidation or other material break down from inside the mine. This likely means that the water level is very low and does not run through the mountain or through the specific ores.

The Joe Wheeler property is located high on the mountain-side and the majority of the terrain between the mines is steep. There are established roads that wind through the property, otherwise the property would be largely inaccessible.

he property will require permitting for exploration and development. Permitting in the state of Colorado is very simple and direct and should be relatively inexpensive.



Contact: Gold Rush Expeditions
Use code JRM1003 for a 10% discount.
Terms and Conditions apply.
Ph: 385-218-2138

Contact Information
Joe wheeler mine Park County Colorado, Park County, Colorado 80435, United States

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