candace creek gold claims yukon

Detailed Information

Candace Creek Yukon
Tributary of Maisy May Creek, south Dawson District, Yukon

The Candace Creek property is comprised of 42 contiguous placer claims located 140 km from Dawson
City via a summer road, most of which is passable by 2 wheel drive vehicle although 4 wheel drive is
recommended. This property is fully-permitted with a Water License good to 2023. The proposed
upgraded road from Dawson City to the Kaminak Coffee Creek Mine will go right past the mouth of this

The central part of Maisy May Creek, which is adjacent to Candace Creek, is a historic past producer with
over 25,000 ounces of placer gold recorded. Most of the historic mining was done by Queenstake
Resources Ltd. who also tested on Candace Creek.

In 1987, Queenstake excavated a test pit located approximately 1600 feet from the mouth of Candace
Creek (on our placer claim Van 1). Former Queenstake workers have stated that gravel from this pit had
a grade of 1.4 ounces of gold per 100 cubic yards (0.014 ounces per cubic yard; 0.569 grams per cubic
metre). This is approximately equivalent to the grades reported by Queenstake on the main Maisy May
Creek drainage.

Between 2013 and 2015, Candace Creek Mining Ltd. conducted exploration including geophysics and
limited excavator test pitting. All material is pervasively frozen, and this has complicated past and
current testing programs, however, the stratigraphic section is not thick, with about 10 feet of muck
over 3 to 4 feet of gravel. The gold recovered to date has been chunky (not flat) and appears to have
travelled only a short distance. Heavy minerals are coarse-grained.

There are likely placer paystreaks from local, structurally-controlled bedrock sources within the drainage upstream which may not be evident in the limited sampling of downstream reaches.

Our testing to date has not been of sufficient volume and extent to define this deposit, but the geology and associated placer gold mining in the area show the significant mining potential of this creek. Maisy May Creek immediately downstream of Candace Creek is currently being mined.

We are looking for an option or lease agreement, or outright sale at a price of $147,000.

For more information and a detailed report:

Contact: William LeBarge, P. Geo.

Contact Information
13 Tigereye Crescent, Whitehorse, Yukon YIA 6G6, Canada

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