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About Juniorminers.com, Me & This Website

Hello and welcome to the junior miners.com website. I'm Gregg, the originator and webmaster of the website and I do hope that you will find everything that you are looking for.  When I'm not working on this site I am actively placer mining in the summers and you can some times find me out gold detecting and prospecting. 

This website has been online since May 7, 2007 and although the site acts like a large directory of over 140 pages of listed junior mining companies, there is lots of other information being compiled all the time. Since then we have transferred the site to Sean Hynes, an prospector and precious metals investor.

If you are a junior miner and your company is not listed yet just email us let us know. Also if you wish to promote you company in the way of stock promotions, visit the presentation page for more information.

One of the more visited pages on the site is the classified pages. If you have mining or mineral claims or mining equipment to sell be sure to list them here as the site averages anywhere from 12,000 - 18,000 hits per month. Ad prices start at a low $50.00 and last for an entire year.

As a gold buff, online trader and placer gold miner myself, I have also complied some informative information on stock market issues along with some information about trading junior mining stocks. I also talk about different stocks and their projects.

And if you are one of those who likes to arm chair gold mine, there is an ever growing list of stories on another website of old mines and ghost towns for your reading pleasure. Each story is about 500 words long so you can read it quick and not get too board.

During your visit if you happen to come across any misinformation or broken links, send me an email and I will do my best to remedy the situation.

Once again, thanks for visiting.

More About This Website

The Next Big Find. That is what junior miners are all about. And this website is about those junior mining companies that are out exploring for the next big discovery. Junior miners is a global directory along with continually added information on junior mining companies, mining stocks, exploration, prospectors, miners, gold, silver, diamonds, uranium and base metals. Junior mining companies not only create value to shareholders, but supply work for prospecting and drilling contractors and employment for many people around the world. These are the companies and people that find the mines that produce the materials that built the computer you are staring at right now. Whether you are a junior mining company, someone who sells services to the mining industry, or just curious about junior resource companies, then this website is for you.

In this website we are compiling a list of junior mining companies from around the world. (I think over 2000 so far) Check to see if your company is listed. If it's not, just send us and email to let us know and we will get it posted for you. We have them all posted in alphabetical order. We also are starting a directory of service related companies. These would be the drillers, prospectors, surveyors, manufactures of mining equipment etc. There is also a page dedicated to mining clubs and associations. Be sure to get your site listed here.

Thinking about buying some junior mining stocks but not sure on all the terminology used? Can't understand that recent press release? Then check out our ever expanding glossary for more information.

Looking for mining and mineral property? Our classifieds is the place for posting all your mining related haves and wants. If you have mining claims or property that you would like to sell, option or joint venture, this is a great place to let others know. You can even advertise any equipment you may have like excavators, dozers, loaders, trommels, old sluice boxes, wash plants, pumps etc. With metal prices like they are right now you can bet there is going to be plenty of lookers out there. So don't delay, get your ad listed today.

Whether you are a junior mining company or someone who sells services or supplies to small miners and developers etc. and would like to let others know about your business, this is a great place to get the word out to promote and advertise your business. Check out our advertising rates. They are cheaper than you think.

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