Here Is How To Place A Classified Ad
Please read the following information carefully.

* Simply type your ad into an email the way YOU want it to read and attach any photos, maps or images that you wish to use in your ad. You can also attach your ad if it is on a word doc.

* WATCH YOUR EMAILS! Once your ad is posted we will send you a confirmation email that will contain a paypal payment link.

PLEASE NOTE: Payment must be made within 24 hours of posting. After one (1) posted days any unpaid ads will be deleted from the system. We ONLY accept paypal. . PayPal accepts all major credit cards as payment.

All ads are a flat fee of $50 per Classified Ad.

1) Ads come with unlimited text and TWO (2) photos or images and cost $50.00. Linking to a pdf, word doc file or another website is included.
Extra photos or images are charged out at $5.00 each.

All ads posted on the website will also be featured in the junior miners monthly newsletter. This newsletter gets seen by hundreds of interested subscribers. I also post all new mine listings on the junior miners facebook page at no extra cost. Therefore you will want to have a least one photo for your Classified Ad.

2) If you want your ad highlighted on the main page to make your Classified Ad stand out, there is a $10 fee. See the example below.

3) All bumped up ads will be charged a $10.00 fee. Bump ups are great after 4 months time. 

NEW!! Youtube Your Classified Ad.

Junior Miners has started doing ads on the Youtube platform by request. The cost for this service at present will be an additional $50.00.

What you will get is your mining property ad on the juniorminers website plus a short video up to 3-4 minutes long.

We would require a minimum of 500 words for your ad plus a minimum of 12 photos to make the video worth your while. This option is great for those who have high value property to present to clients. So for the regular ad plus the video your cost would be $100.00. This will be for a limited time only and prices can change at any given time.

Click Here to email us your ad.
Here is a tip to EVERYONE about email and placing an ad:

Because email addresses are crawled and spammed, we advise EVERYONE to open a new email account like hotmail, yahoo or gmail and use that address just for your Classified Ad. Once your ad is finished you can then just drop that email address and not have to worry about having a personal email spammed.

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