Outlet Group Mineral Property Contact Gold Rush Expeditions
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Ph: 385-218-2138
Email: goldrush@goldrushexpeditions.com
The Outlet Group Mineral Property is located in Mineral County, Colorado in the Creede Mining District. The property consists of nine (9) contiguous lode mining claims, staked, and mapped to provide maximum coverage of the relevant locatable deposits in the area.
The Outlet Group Mineral property is so named for the company that operated the last major work in the district. Outlet Group Mineral opened the Palo Alto Tunnel, the Holy Moses #2 Tunnel, the Carbonate Adit, the Gormax Adit and re-opened and cut over 4000Â’ in the outlet tunnel defining valuable blocks of ore and mapping mineralized veins. The property was last active in early 1970 and produced several hundred thousand dollars from the time of its inception in 1953. The company applied for several DMEA loans and was granted many thousands of dollars for development in addition to their own investments. Contains a variety of adits that were largely cut in the mid to late 1950s and early 1960s. The Outlet and Sublet Mining Companies did the majority of the work in driving over 3500Â’ of drift work, working outside and between existing patents. This drift work showing that the off shoots of the Holy Moses, Phoenix and Gormax veins were indeed still quite rich and nowhere near tapped out.
These properties are all a part of the current Outlet Mine Group in its current state.
The primary drift is the Outlet tunnel, this drift is well documented and cuts under the Lehigh property to where it snakes outside of private property boundaries before a wide cross cut just on the west side of the Holy Moses #3 Property.
Further work was done on the north end of this drift when another cross cut and a raise, named the Muir Raise, intercepted more high value ore. There were Department of Mineral Exploration grants given up to $100,000.00 at the time, but the Outlet Group Mineral company declined multiple grant offers as the work they were doing was paying for itself and then some.
Silver is primary with gold, zinc, and copper as secondary mineralization. There is extensive documentation describing the workings, drill programs and the geology of the mines and how they work into the older mines of the district that are noted to be largely worked out.
Access to the current workings is limited to hike in only. The road to the Outlet Tunnel and the Holy Moses 2 adit has been washed out by the East Fork of Willow Creek over the years. Upper workings such as the Carbonate Tunnel and the Palo Alto Adit can only be reached by hiking in.
There is a large dump on the property which is a result of the excavation of the Outlet Tunnel and some of the Holy Moses 2 Adit. The dump is measured as 530Â’ in length, 80Â’ wide and 100Â’ deep. Giving a volume of roughly 4,240,000 cubic feet. The dump at the Gormax and the Palo Alto tunnel have not been measured.
Extensive documentation is available on the mines including mapping, drill data and assay work on the underground development. There is no mill site on the properties. Most ores were hand separated and then shipped to the Phoenix Mine north of the Holy Moses Extension.
Gold Rush Expeditions, Inc surveyed the site in 2017 and determined that the mines did indeed have potential for development. This assessment was reached by the abundance of gold and silver bearing “waste” rock which was abandoned in massive quantities all over the sites. The fact that such rich ores were being discarded speaks volumes to the quality and quantity of ore remaining in the mine workings.
Contact: Gold Rush Expeditions
Use code JRM1003 for a 10% discount.
Ph: 385-218-2138
Email: goldrush@goldrushexpeditions.com