Trommel For Sale
- 30 yard/hour trommel
- Electric chain drive
- Vibrating pre-wash hopper with spray bars and plastic slick-plate
- Pre-screen removes large rocks before trommel
- 3/8 punch plate trommel barrel
- Internal helix to push material through
- Skid frame
- 3 foot diameter by 10 foot long long trommel barrel
- 28 wide by 8 long sluice box
- 12 kw Single Phase Onan Diesel Generator - runs great, very economic on fuel
- Solidly built, good for a small operation with compact excavator or as a test plant
- Can be hauled on a bumper-pull trailer by a pickup truck
- Located near Dawson City, Yukon
Asking Price:$22,000
Contact: Jim
Ph: 867 336-2606