gertrude novelty mining claims rossland bc

Detailed Information

Gertrude Novelty Mining Claims Rossland B.C.These claims are located adjacent to the Le Roi complex which produced over 3 million oz of gold, 3.7 million oz of silver, and 124 million pounds of copper. The average grade was .5 oz/ton

We have 24037 ounces of drilled HISTORICAL reserves averaging 6.15 grams/ton. These reserves are on the Gertrude and Novelty veins. Both veins are close to surface and easily mineable. Both veins are open to depth and are about five meters wide. Being open to depth is significant as the Le Roi mine, of which these veins are vein zone extensions of, never did bottom out at 2400 feet.

Along with the gold are significant moly, copper, silver, and cobalt values. The secondary minerals may contribute well to the cost of mining, and processing of the ore.

The novelty vein may be viewed on surface. During the 1960s the Red Mountain Moly company started an open pit, to mine high grade moly on this claim. The derelict mill building is still in place. ( not on our clams ) It would seem strange these days, but they abandoned this pit because the gold values were to high, and were a problem in the mill.  Samples that we took recently ran as high as 4% moly and 2 0z gold.

Along with these historical reserves, extensive V.L.F. surveys have being done by a registered P.Geo. These surveys indicated several more very promising drill targets. These targets project as being extensions from known vein zones of the Le Roi complex. We also can compare these results to known veins.

On a model of the Cominco – Teck, Le Roi mine it shows where they mined right up to the border of some of our claims, and stopped, as they did not own the clams. The Le Roi mine was closed in the 1920s. the reasons for the closure were, low gold prices, and lack of water pumping technology at that time.

There is much more information located at this web site, report 31527 Gertrude - Novelty - Black bear

Purchase, options, or partnership will be considered.


The above information is true to the best of my knowledge. I may have made mistakes, and or misinterpreted some information. The above information may not be used as factual information.

Contact: Cliff
Ph: 250-364-216

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United States

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