Endeavour Mining plc

Endeavour Mining plc is a West African gold mining company that operates four mines across Côte d'Ivoire, Burkina Faso, and Mali. The company was founded in 2002 and is headquartered in London, UK. Endeavour Mining's mines include the Agbaou and Ity mines in Côte d'Ivoire, the Houndé mine in Burkina Faso, and the Tabakoto mine in Mali. The company's focus is on developing high-quality assets with strong growth potential and delivering sustainable returns to its shareholders. Endeavour Mining is committed to responsible mining practices and has a strong track record of community engagement and environmental stewardship.

Stock Quotes

Endeavour Mining plc is a leading West African gold producer with a portfolio of low-cost, high-quality mines in Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, and Mali. The company's competitive edge lies in its strong operational performance, experienced management team, and focus on sustainable mining practices.

1. Strong Operational Performance: Endeavour Mining has a track record of delivering strong operational performance, with consistently high production levels and low all-in sustaining costs (AISC). The company's mines are among the lowest-cost producers in the industry, which gives it a competitive advantage in a volatile gold market.

2. Experienced Management Team: Endeavour Mining has a highly experienced management team with a proven track record of success in the mining industry. The team has a deep understanding of the local operating environment and has built strong relationships with local communities and governments.

3. Focus on Sustainable Mining Practices: Endeavour Mining is committed to responsible mining practices and has implemented a number of initiatives to reduce its environmental impact and promote social responsibility. The company has a strong focus on community engagement and has implemented a number of programs to support local communities, including education and healthcare initiatives.

Overall, Endeavour Mining's strong operational performance, experienced management team, and focus on sustainable mining practices give it a competitive edge in the West African gold mining industry.


1. Limited geographical diversification: Endeavour Mining plc operates primarily in West Africa, which makes it vulnerable to political instability and economic downturns in the region.

2. Smaller scale operations: Compared to some of its peers, Endeavour Mining plc has a smaller scale of operations, which may limit its ability to compete on cost and efficiency.

3. Higher production costs: Endeavour Mining plc has higher production costs compared to some of its peers, which may impact its profitability and ability to generate returns for shareholders.

4. Limited access to capital: Endeavour Mining plc may face challenges in accessing capital compared to some of its larger peers, which may limit its ability to fund growth and expansion initiatives.

5. Reliance on a single commodity: Endeavour Mining plc is primarily focused on gold mining, which makes it vulnerable to fluctuations in gold prices and demand.

6. Limited technological capabilities: Endeavour Mining plc may lag behind some of its peers in terms of technological capabilities, which may impact its ability to improve operational efficiency and reduce costs.

7. Limited brand recognition: Endeavour Mining plc may have limited brand recognition compared to some of its larger peers, which may impact its ability to attract investors and customers.

Peer Comparisons

Price --

Open - 22.52

Low - 22.24

Close - 22.24

High - 22.52

Ticker 1 - EDV

Ticker 2 - EDVMF

Ticker 3 - EDV

Exchange 1 - TSX

Exchange 2 - OTCQX

Exchange 3 - London

Primary Info
Date Established
5 Young St, London, England W8 5EH, United Kingdom
Website Data
Meta Title
Endeavour Mining Corporation - Home
Meta Description
Our primary objective is to minimize potential environmental impacts throughout the lifecycle of our mines, from discovery through to post-closure, and to ensure the environment is maintained and enhanced for current and future generations of our host communities.
Main Header
Second Title

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