Nord Gold

Nord Gold is a gold mining company that operates in several countries, including Russia, Kazakhstan, Burkina Faso, Guinea, and Canada. The company was founded in 2007 and is headquartered in London, UK. Nord Gold is focused on developing and operating low-cost, high-quality gold mines, with a goal of becoming a leading global gold producer. The company's portfolio includes several mines, including the Bissa and Bouly mines in Burkina Faso, the Lefa mine in Guinea, and the Gross mine in Russia. Nord Gold is committed to sustainable mining practices and has implemented various initiatives to reduce its environmental impact and support local communities.

Stock Quotes

Nord Gold is a leading gold mining company that operates in several countries, including Russia, Kazakhstan, Burkina Faso, Guinea, and Canada. The company has several competitive advantages that differentiate it from its peers -

1. Strong operational performance - Nord Gold has a track record of delivering strong operational performance, with consistently high production levels and low costs. The company's focus on operational excellence has helped it to maintain a competitive edge in the industry.

2. Diversified portfolio - Nord Gold has a diversified portfolio of assets, with operations in several countries. This diversification helps to mitigate risks and provides the company with a competitive advantage over its peers.

3. Strong financial position - Nord Gold has a strong financial position, with a solid balance sheet and a low debt-to-equity ratio. This financial strength provides the company with the flexibility to invest in growth opportunities and weather any economic downturns.

4. Experienced management team - Nord Gold has an experienced management team with a proven track record of success in the mining industry. The team's expertise and strategic vision have helped the company to navigate challenges and capitalize on opportunities.

5. Commitment to sustainability - Nord Gold is committed to sustainable mining practices and has implemented several initiatives to reduce its environmental impact and promote social responsibility. This commitment to sustainability helps to differentiate the company from its peers and attract socially responsible investors.


1. Limited geographical diversification - Nord Gold operates primarily in Russia, Kazakhstan, Burkina Faso, and Guinea, which limits its exposure to other potentially lucrative mining markets.

2. Smaller scale operations - Compared to some of its peers, Nord Gold's operations are relatively small in scale, which may limit its ability to achieve economies of scale and compete on cost.

3. Limited production growth - Nord Gold's production growth has been relatively slow compared to some of its peers, which may limit its ability to increase revenue and profitability.

4. Higher production costs - Nord Gold's production costs are relatively high compared to some of its peers, which may limit its ability to compete on price and profitability.

5. Limited exploration and development - Nord Gold has a relatively limited exploration and development pipeline compared to some of its peers, which may limit its ability to expand its operations and increase production in the future.

6. Higher debt levels - Nord Gold has higher debt levels compared to some of its peers, which may limit its ability to invest in growth opportunities and increase shareholder returns.

7. Limited dividend payments - Nord Gold has historically paid lower dividends compared to some of its peers, which may limit its appeal to income-oriented investors.

Peer Comparisons

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Ticker 1 - NORD

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Exchange 1 - LSD

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Primary Info
Date Established
Alexanderplatz 1, Berlin, 10178, Germany
Website Data
Meta Title
Nordgold - gold mining company | Official website
Meta Description
Nordgold is an internationally diversified one million ounce gold producer with about 8,000 people operating a portfolio of eight mines (in Russia, Kazakhstan, Burkina Faso and Guinea) and a number of development and exploration projects in Russia, West Africaa and North America.
Main Header
Second Title
More than gold
nordgold website, Nordgold, gold producer

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