It has been brought to my attention from the BC Ministry of Mines that some of the mining properties that are selling on the website are in a contravention of Section 60 of the Mineral Tenure Act.
Below is a copy of the email I received:
A person who advertises a mineral title for disposition in any manner must not include more than the following in the advertisement:
(a) Price and terms for disposition
(b) Person to contact, address and phone number
(c) Name given to the property, record number, lot number or least number
(d) Geographic location
(e) Geological features
(f) A list of mining equipment to be included with the disposition
The advertisement must also include the following statement in the advertisement in the same size and print as the body of the advertisement:
Warning - This property is offered for mining purposes only and ownership of the title to it does not include ownership of the surface rights or the rights to use the surface for residential or recreational purposes.
Pictures and maps are not permitted in advertisements.
Results from and/or descriptions of any past mining or exploration activity, assay and test results, are not permitted in advertisements.
We are in contact with advertising websites sites such as eBay, craigslist, Kijiji, and others and they have been instructed to alert us to any ads that are not in compliance.
Failure to ensure that your advertisement is in compliance with Section 60 may result in enforcement action under Section 63 of the Mineral Tenure Act.
If you have any questions or concerns, please submit them by email or you can call us toll free and leave us a message at 1-866-616-4999.