Mining businesses are at the vanguard of this complicated dance between human inventiveness and the richness of nature, which is the exploitation of minerals and resources. We are going to take a deeper look at what makes a mining firm successful, one that goes beyond simple resource exploitation. The story of a mining company's success is woven together beyond the drill rigs and explosives by a tapestry of technical skill, environmental management, moral behavior, and social responsibility. 

Let's explore the essential characteristics that not only set these businesses apart in the industry but also leave a lasting impression on the communities and landscapes they pass through. Greetings from the land below, where the attributes of a mining corporation reveal themselves like layers of valuable minerals just waiting to be unearthed.

Technical Mastery of Mining Company

A mining company's success is based on its technological expertise. This comprises sophisticated geological understanding, cutting-edge technology for exploration, and effective extraction procedures. The capacity to precisely locate and evaluate mineral resources and use state-of-the-art extraction techniques guarantees maximum resource recovery with the least amount of negative environmental effects.

mining company

Ecology Prudence

Prosperous mining firms give sustainable practices and environmental stewardship top priority in a period of growing environmental consciousness. A dedication to maintaining long-term ecological balance may be seen in the use of ethical mining practices, land reclamation, and biodiversity protection initiatives. Socially responsible mining companies are characterized by their adherence to regulatory norms for environmental protection, frequently surpassing them.

Prioritizing Safety

Because mining is a dangerous industry by nature, a commitment to employee safety cannot be compromised. To reduce hazards and provide a safe working environment, a prosperous mining firm makes frequent training, equipment upgrades, and extensive safety program investments. Putting employees' health and well-being first not only saves lives but also improves overall operational effectiveness.

Moral Conduct

Any successful company must have integrity, and the mining industry is no different. Ethical mining firms all highly value fair work policies, community participation, and transparency. A mining company's overall ethical position is influenced by its interactions with stakeholders, local communities and respect for the rights of indigenous populations.

Innovation and Adaptability

The mining industry is dynamic, with technological advancements continually reshaping the landscape. Successful mining companies embrace innovation and invest in research and development to stay ahead of the curve. This includes the adoption of automation, data analytics, and sustainable mining technologies. A forward-thinking approach ensures adaptability to market fluctuations and changing regulatory landscapes.

Creativity and Flexibility

Innovations in technology are constantly changing the face of the mining sector. To keep ahead of the curve, prosperous mining firms embrace innovation and make research and development investments. This covers the use of data analytics, automation, and environmentally friendly mining technology. Having a forward-thinking approach guarantees flexibility in response to shifting regulatory environments and market swings.

Prudence in Finance

A mining company's capacity to survive depends on its ability to handle its finances well. This calls for wise planning, successful cost-cutting techniques, and well-considered investment choices. Prosperous mining firms maintain an equilibrium between immediate financial benefits and enduring viability, guaranteeing steadiness and adaptability amongst economic fluctuations.


A mining company can succeed depending on its ability to successfully integrate technological know-how, moral behavior, and social responsibility. Businesses that exhibit these traits are well-positioned to guide the mining sector toward a more conscientious and sustainable future. 

Let us bring back from the depths of this adventure the knowledge that a genuinely successful mining firm is more than just an expert at extraction; it is also a steward of the planet's resources, a bulwark of integrity, a partner in advancement, and a protector of safety. These attributes shine in the dynamic dance between industry and environment, serving as the cornerstone for a thriving and sustainable future.

Is Lithium The Next Big Play?

We are going to look at lithium but first a bit of info about the Ritchie Bros. auction this week. The results are in for the two parcels of mining claims that we had advertised here that were to be sold by Ritchie Bros. Auctions. The two groupings of claims sold on April 27. The first grouping of claims which was 51 claims on 13 Mile Creek sold for $127,500 CAD. The second grouping of claims on the 60 Mile consisted of 53 claims and sold for $106,000 CAD.

One has to keep in mind that these claims were river access only meaning that all equipment would need to be either barged in or wait until winter when the ground is froze enough to get equipment in. What this does show though is that there are buyers who are interested in buying mining properties.

With gold seeming to rally this last little while there has been a renewed interest in mining claims. I am getting emails from various vendors thinking about getting out of mining or selling portions of their mining properties. Some who had expressed interest in selling have taken a “wait and see” attitude as they feel the gold price will continue to go up there by making their properties tha much more valueable.

Talking to various mining people along with marketing people, there is getting to be more money available for mining and exploration pprojects. In the public arena, private placements are finding investors and in some cases depending on the project, placements are getting over suscribed. This sure beats the ways things were even 6 months ago. Last year for instance was almost a no show for raising money and a lot of junior mining company types were ready to throw in the towel. That being said I am sure that there still is a lot of companies that are working marginal ground and have little investor awareness that probably wish they could call it quits.

Nemaska Lithium Inc.

In the last month or so there has been a rush for some of smaller companies to get into the lithium plays. It seems everyday there is some news release that says this company or that comapny has aquired ground in some area somewhere that is located close to where someone else has found some interesting ground with lithium. I get asked what I think about about and I am not sure what to say. First and foremost I know nothing about lithiumor than it goes into batteries. The public interest kind of reminds me of the NWT diamond rush about 25 years ago or the Voisy’s Bay rush 20 years ago. One company strikes it big and everyone rushes in hoping to find something big. I think it started with Lithium X and also Nemaska Lithium Inc.

Looking above at the two charts I don’t have tell you that being a gold bug can sometimes be detrimental to your potential winnings in mining stocks. Had I bought into one of these lithium plays I would be a lot better off money wise than holding gold stocks. The one problem I do have with these lithium plays is how long will they be in the spot light? It was only a couple of years ago when a lot of these junior miners were all bummed out and decided to get into the marijuana thing. There were several compnies putting out news that they were no longer involved in mining but were signing deals to get into pot. That scenario played well for maybe a few but aside from those select companies who were maybe first in the game, the rest never did anything. Other than getting the stock to pop for a few sessions, most investors ended up being bag holders of dead stock. If you were late to the party you know what I mean.

Today, April 28 2106 and gold is at a high for the year as is silver. Let hope this trend continues and never mind the summer doldrums. News any day in regards to New Carolin Gold and their 3D modeling followed by drilling. There will be lots of action this summer for that play for sure.

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An Early Investment Opportunity With A Small Float

The junior miners website has a directory of junior mining companies. After cleaning out the ones that no longer exist and adding in the new ones that have started up, I think there is about 2400 public junior companies out there listed on various exchanges. A lot of these newer juniors are formed to take advantage of the higher gold and silver prices we are seeing lately and are out on the hunt for ground to explore that has potential. Then there are companies that get started already owning properties that have good upside potential to take advantage of these higher metal prices.

While most of these newer start ups seem to gravitate towards places that are hot like Red Lake Ontario region or BC's Golden Triangle, there are those companies who look tend to look for potential in the more un-noticed and un-known areas. Clarity Gold CSE-CLAR is one of those newer small juniors doing just that in British Columbia.

The company just start trading in June of 2020 but already had a property owned 100% under it's belt. This property is the Empirical Property which is the company's flagship property ,is located within the Cordilleran Continental Arc of BC. This region contains multiple significant porphyry deposits, including Imperial Metals historic Huckleberry Mine and Norandas historic Babine Porphyry camp. The land package is quite large at 10,618 hecatares. The bonus is this property already has a completed 43-101 report. Previous work on the Empirical property has demonstrated good gold values. Some of the historical work includes approx. 1600m of drilling where 6 of 15 historic drill holes intersected anomalous gold values. These values include one interval of 21m of 3.67 g/t Au. Other grade showings include: 1.75 m @ 3.20 g/t Au - 1.01 m @ 3.30 g/t Au and 0.88 m @ 10.27 g/t Au Originally this property was explored for it's moly potential and not much interest was put towards the gold values. However with gold prices setting all time records, this property offers a whole new exploration potential.


The property is located just a few kilometers from Lillooet, BC so infastructure is close at hand which helps keep exploration costs to a minimum. The company just sent in a small exploration crew in late July 2020. The crew will attempt to locate and verify these historic mineral showings and assess the suitability of the exploration program. The company will also be conducting a grab samples on targeted zones to locate additional areas of interest outside of the original Empirical project claim group.

Aside from the Empirical Property, the company also has a gold, silver and copper property on Vancouver Island. This property known as the Tyber porperty. This property has seen historic workings that deserve a second look today. There are two historic adits (14m and 47m in length) that are believed to have targeted mineralised quartz veins within local shear zones. A historic grab sample from the area showed Up to 2.328 oz/t Au (from waste dump), 16% Cu,and 305.5 oz/t Ag.


Clarity also has a third property which is also located in Vancouver Island not far from Port Alberni. This property produced a grab sample that assayed 48.00 grams per tonne gold, 51.43 grams per tonne silver and 17.8 per cent copper.

At the time of this writing, Clarity Gold has 20,358,000 share out standing with 22,237,310 fully diluted.

If you enjoyed this article, please feel free to share. When seeking out mining stocks always use Due Diligence and see our Disclaimer and be sure to sign up for our free news letter located on the right hand side of this page.

Central Banks Print Money To Buy Gold Mining Shares

Quite a bit of chatter on a lot of different news and gold sites about how two Central banks, the Norwegian Central bank and the Swiss Central bank just printed billions of dollars and then turned around and bought gold mining shares right away. In a world where zero percent interest rates are becoming the norm, there is little else that can offer a decent return on your investment. Something us gold bugs have known all along I guess.

The Swiss Central bank went on to disclose which stocks they bought. You can see in the small chart below which ones they bought positions in. Of course since buying the stocks in these 20 or so mining companies, the companies have seen their share price rise between 400% and 600% and there is no doubt that a lot of investors kind of like this buying. Nothing wrong with seeing your favorite gold mining stock go up by 500% or so. Problem could be though that at some time in the future that same bank that bought say 20 million bucks of a certain stock decides it's time to get out and just decides to dump. That would be bring in a bunch of shorters and even naked shorters so you see there is a bit of a shady side to all this. There is also some conspiracy theories about just that kind of scenario as a way to flush out gold buffs who are long on gold stocks. After all once the selling starts it will have a ripple effect and take down a lot of the other mining stocks also and not just gold stocks.

So why would a bank which prints fiat currency take that money and buy gold ming shares? Well there is plenty of info out there already about how some of the other world central banks are buying stocks. Its been know for quite some time that Japan's Central bank is one of the largest holders of the top ten stocks in Japan. As mentioned earlier, when you end up having zero percent interest rates or even negative interest rates, you have to figure out how to make your money work for you and right now it seems that the stock market is the best place. Problem is that the stock market will end up un a bubble and one day could very easily collapse.

Don't you wish your favorite gold mining stocks was just like a Facebook or something? Talked about everyday on financial TV. Selling at 350 X earnings? Well all I can say is, in the meantime be cautious and look out for those under valued gems that still do exist.

If you enjoyed this article, please feel free to share. When seeking out mining stocks always use Due Diligence and see our Disclaimer and be sure to sign up for our free news letter located on the right hand side of this page.

As always, use Due Diligence and see our Disclaimer and be sure to sign up for our free news letter located on the right hand side of this page.GAdams

African Queen Mines

Being as I live within the world renown historic gold camp of Atlin BC, I thought it best to maybe do an article on a junior miner that will be doing some exploration work in the area this year. There are not many junior miners that work here as most of the area here is active placer mining and most placer mining operations are either family owned or private companies. There has been some junior miners however in the past like Adanac Moly in the early 2000's and Chieftain Metals. Another company was Eagle Plains, who use to operate the Yellow Jacket property on Pine Creek. It is this property and junior that we will take a look at today.

The Yellow Jacket porperty is located 10 KM east of the town of Atlin BC on the Surprise Lake road. This location is right where the old town of Discovery once stood and that location is where the original discovery of gold that lead to the Atlin gold rush back in 1898. Some of the richest ground in North America is in this area. Neighboring Spruce Creek is world renown for some of the largest gold nuggets ever found.

In 1983, local area prospectors staked the Yellowjacket Property, and subsequently optioned the property to Canova and Tri-Pacific Resources. During 1984 and 1985 these companies conducted programs of ground geophysics, rotary and diamond drilling. In 1986 Homestake Mineral Development Company optioned the property from Canova and from 1986 to 1988 initiated programs of mapping, reverse circulation drilling and diamond drilling (52 holes totaling 8,057 metres).

Prize Mining optioned the property in 2003 and from 2003 to 2006 drilled 57 holes for a total of 6,873 metres. A number of impressive intercepts were encountered during drilling, with values ranging from no significant results to grades as summarized below. Some of the grades as you will see are astronomical values.

YJ03-0113.95m to 19.51m5.56m513.5 g/t Au
YJ04-0748.85m to 54.45m5.6m40.1 g/t Au
including:53.95m to 54.45m0.5m588.9 g/t Au
TW05-0210.67m to 12.79m2.12m853.0 g/t Au
including:10.67m to 11.58m0.91m2,397 g/t Au
TW05-0220.05m to 41.50m21.45m11.5 g/t Au

In 2008, Prize Mining processed 4200 tonnes of bedrock material in their onsite bulk sample mill. Of this material, 2880 tonnes were considered to be taken from the main mineralized zone and returned gold bars totaling 18.63 kilograms (599 ounces).

Fast forward to today and going by news releases the company has issued, there will be a placer operation taking place starting in the summer of 2016. This placer operation will run for five years and will provide cash revenue to the company. The company also has plans for additional sampling of the area which covers an area of approximately 460 hectares.

Although a light trading stock, there is about 80 million shares O/S and the stock at the time of writing is at it's 52 week high of 3 cents with a low of 1/2 cent.

As always, use Due Diligence and see our Disclaimer and be sure to sign up for our free news letter located on the right hand side of this page.

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