parker mining claim montana

Detailed Information

Parker Mining ClaimContact Gold Rush Expeditions
Use code JRM1003 for a 10% discount.
Ph: 385-218-2138


The Parker Group of Mines is a collection of two (2), twenty (20) acre Lode mineral claims. The claims trend generally north-south, which is based on geological mapping combined with underground assessments and mapping and on-site survey work defining outcrops and deposits.

The claims encompass all of the relevant workings of the Parker group which was worked as early as 1860 according to historical records. Currently, there is a gated culvert that provides access into the workings at the lowest level. This haulage and exploration level was cut in the early 1900s to work under the shafts and intercept the veins and lodes at depth where they contained higher values of gold and silver.


This assessment of driving the lower level appears to have been accurate and quite lucrative based on the development of the workings and the infrastructure above ground. Surveyors documented over one thousand one hundred feet(1100) of drifting work on the lowest level. These workings are detailed and mapped and show veins of gold, galena, and some small quartz stringers. Also reported was considerable stoping in various areas thought to intercept shafts and declines found on the surface. There are no other open or access points aside from the main portal.

The ores at the Parker are made up of gold, auriferous pyrite, galena, sphalerite, and arsenopyrite.


The property stretches over a low hill and ridge and has been worked and explored by short prospects and some shafts which all follow the same general trend. On the farthest western workings of the claims, there is evidence of a larger operation. Cabin and possible milling remnants are visible along with one larger shaft and the remains of an old headframe. These workings far predate the drift level lower on the hill. It is likely that from 1910 to 1950, the ore extracted from the mines was transported via the main, lower drift and hand sorted at that level.

The portal on Johnny Gulch is the only access to the underground workings of the mine. The Parker Mining Company drove this drift between 1900 and 1910 and sought to access the ore bodies under the existing shafts and declines. Ore values had shown consistently to increase with depth. The obviously proved to be true and most of the defined orebodies on the claims can be located underground and matched to their shafts.


The Parker Mine is set in the western edge of the Radersburg District on the southern end of the Elkhorn Mountain Range. The district is known for the production of gold with minimal silver and very little quartz. The Parker is a fine example of this model with native gold in pyrites in small veins from 2 to 18 inches in width exposed in the underground workings. Silver in the form of galena is also present but has been largely discarded and dumped in waste piles around the claims.



Contact: Gold Rush Expeditions
Use code JRM1003 for a 10% discount.
Ph: 385-218-2138

Contact Information
located in the Radersburg Mining district, Broadwater County, Montana 59641, United States

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