bull run mining claim colorado

Detailed Information

Bull Run Mining ClaimContact Gold Rush Expeditions
Use code JRM1003 for a 10% discount.
Ph: 385-218-2138
Email: goldrush@goldrushexpeditions.com


The Bull Run mine is often associated with the Gnome Mine, which is in the same basin but nearly 1 mile distant. The Bull Run Mine is located near the end of the road and is cherry-stemmed into the area which is otherwise wilderness and unlocatable.

The mine consists of a series of workings on an impressive outcrop of quartz and iron with some pyrites and some bits of native gold identified in the waste dump. The rock is vuggy and there is reportedly some copper content in some of the mines in the area. There is no real indication of copper values in or around the Bull Run.


The mine in its current state consists of a gated haulage tunnel that is reported to be at least 800Â’ in length with a cross cut at 775Â’, which travels another 400Â’ in either direction chasing a gold and quartz vein of varying width. There is reported to be a raise in the crosscut tunnel that connects the haulage tunnel to two other levels of the mine for a total development of roughly 2800Â’

The mine is noted to have produced gold in chalcopyrite ores with very little silver or lead. These assertions are confirmed by sample values and assay results from waste dumps. There was no processing done on the property and there are no tailings present.


There are multiple waste dumps on the property. The primary dump which was measured is 108Â’ x 134Â’ x 30Â’ equating to 434,160 cubic feet, or 37,989 tons of material. Surveyors were unable to access the adit due to a Colorado Division of Reclamation gate so grab samples were taken from the dump.

A simple notice of intent noting exploration and sampling would allow for access into the drift workings. There is road access to the mine from Silverton, Ouray and Lake City on good, well established 4WD roads. The most direct route is from Lake City.


The mine sits at 11,600Â’ and will likely not be accessible from November to June of each year. It is possible to navigate to the site using snow machines.



Contact: Gold Rush Expeditions
Use code JRM1003 for a 10% discount.
Ph: 385-218-2138
Email: goldrush@goldrushexpeditions.com

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United States

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