star mining claims and property elko nevada for sale

Detailed Information

Star Mining PropertyContact Gold Rush Expeditions
Use code JRM1003 for a 10% discount.
Terms and Conditions apply.
Ph: 385-218-2138


The Star Mineral Property is a one hundred (100) acre lode mining property located in the Harrison Pass district, outside of Elko, Nevada. The Star property, as it exists in this space, spans across the entire tungsten deposit in the canyon. Historically some of the edges of the deposits have been worked by small scale operations such as the Climax and the Slipper Mines, but in 1960, they were all brought together as the Star Mining Property.

Access to the property is gained by a well-maintained county highway, this road runs to the main mine camp and mill. There are roads and access to the upper workings on the top of the hill but they are steep with some loose rock and will require 4WD to access. The buildings at the mine camp are in a state of slow decay, they are not, and have not been used for 30-40 years. These buildings are remnants of the last operation which was in effect in 1960.


Despite some sizable tungsten reserves and the presence of a large tungsten ore body, the property was mothballed in 1960. The close blamed on the decline of tungsten pricing. It is reported that the mine camp was not abandoned until 1984 when the watchman in charge of the property passed away. It has not been addressed or mined in any way since that time.

The value of the property is defined in the tungsten reserves, there are limited, blocked and measured reserves as well as implied and inferred deposits. There is also the noted presence of a large body of wolframite known to contain tungsten at an average of 2%.


The workings at the property consist of several main workings:

1) The Main ore body is located at the Star Camp, itÂ’s positioned on the north face of the hill and runs generally south west. A series of open stopes and adits account for 800+Â’ of subsurface workings at this deposit.

2) The No. 7 ore body is the eastern most edge of the deposit and consists of a series of open stopes and trench workings. Subsurface is a total of less than 100Â’.

3) The South ore body, is also known as the Climax Mine, consists of an adit that is 400Â’ in length, cutting into a series of mine workings including one large open stope. Total subsurface workings are less than 1000Â’ at this site.

4) The South Shaft is the southern-most edge of the defined deposit. The shaft is 40’ deep and follows the bottom of the ore body for 600+/-‘. There is a load out and a small mining structure at this site.


5) The Mill ore body is located on the north side of the canyon on a south facing slope. It contains a small adit and some open cuts which were likely open trenches at some point.

6) The North ore body contains a single open cut that exposes the ore body. It is 30Â’ long and 10Â’ wide and exploratory in nature.

All of the subsurface workings show a good quantity of wolframite in the instance of tungstates and iron in quartz veins and bodies.


It should be noted that tungsten is considered a strategic mineral and is not traded as a commodity. There are various companies in the United States that will purchase tungsten in various grades and as raw ore.

The property is in a ready to work state and all workings are in good condition overall. In some cases, there may be some rehabilitation required in some of the workings.
Contact: Gold Rush Expeditions
Use code JRM1003 for a 10% discount.
Terms and Conditions apply.
Ph: 385-218-2138

Contact Information
Star Mining Elko Nevada, Elko, Nevada 89801, United States

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