strawn mineral property montana for sale

Detailed Information

STRAWN MINERAL PROPERTYContact Gold Rush Expeditions
Use code JRM1003 for a 10% discount.
Terms and Conditions apply.
Ph: 385-218-2138


The Strawn Property is an eighty (80) acre lode mining property. The property also contains a five (5) acre mill site. Total coverage of roughly eighty-four (84) acres due to overlap. The property is located in the Tidal Wave District in Madison County, Montana.

The property is located in the Tobacco Root Mountains, in the heart of one of the richest gold mining districts in Montana. The property export is coarse free-milling gold in quartz, there is no chemical separation needed. The property boundaries cover all of the relevant workings and geological trending of the associated veins and lodes. The boundaries also encompass the apex of the lode.


Historic reports and current assays from the property, taken inside and outside show high purity gold with very little sulfides ranging from .5 to 1.5 ounces per ton. These results were reported by multiple sources:

1. USGS Field Geologist (OÂ’Neill, Michael J, 1983) stated that the property was notable only for the gold deposits . There are reserves noted and described further in this report.
2. Gold Rush Expeditions, Inc.® surveyors took samples from the waste dumps and chip samples from inside the mine. These assay values are noted in the assay section of the report.
3. Private correspondence with a member of the Strawn family who reported that the mine often produced 8-10 ounces of native gold per ton with simple crushing.


The Mine was located and developed from 1921 to 1942 when it was closed by the US War Act. The mine was reported closed from 1945 to 1981, however, onsite examination showed that small scale work had been executed on the claim and working machinery was present as late as 2012.

SurveyorsÂ’ assessment matches with early assessments that this is a high value gold mine which has remained largely undeveloped due to its obscure location which is not easily locatable.

The Strawn Mine is located east of Silver Star, Montana and is accessed on public roads. There is conflict with private land owners over the status of the road as it leads through public and some private land. The claims are located in a box canyon with no other access except for the mouth of the Beall Canyon. Private property covers the roads and access to the canyon, for which reason the mine has not been disturbed except for by the original locators of the mine who have worked it intermittently until 2012.


The Millsite is in excellent repair and 95% intact. It has not been used since 1983 as well as can be determined. The wood structure is in rough condition, but all of the crushers, mills and processing equipment is much as it was left when working.

The mines are open and stable for the most part being cut into competent rock. There is some slough in some of the lower workings, and an open stope in the mid-level workings has started to collapse on the surface and would need to be addressed. The upper workings have a small portal but could be easily modified for modern access. Overall, the site needs minor overhaul and updates but is ready to work as it is.



Contact: Gold Rush Expeditions
Use code JRM1003 for a 10% discount.
Terms and Conditions apply.
Ph: 385-218-2138

Contact Information
Strawn Mineral Property, Yogo Crossing, Montana 59479, United States

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