peerless jennie mine remini montana for sale

Detailed Information

Peerless Jennie Mine MontanaContact Gold Rush Expeditions
Use code JRM1003 for a 10% discount.
Terms and Conditions apply.
Ph: 385-218-2138


The Peerless Jennie is a documented million dollar mine at the head of 10-mile Creek. The property has excellent, county-maintained road access. There is some seasonal water from small creeks and documented subsurface water. Heavy, old growth timber is abundant on the site.

The property is buildable for residence. There are other high-end residences in the area averaging $940,000.00 for a pole barn construction on 90 acres. Construction is active on many properties in the general vicinity above the town of Rimini.


This is the historic Peerless Jennie mine property that operated from the 1920s into the 1930s when the price of silver dropped and mine was mothballed. It was never put back into production. Kristine K. Wise of the USGS reported in 1981 that the mine was at least 180Â’ deep and had over 390Â’ of subsurface drifting and development. Workings noted as a shaft, crosscut and a raise.

Also, a flooded raise below the cross-cut north of the vein. Blocked reserves of 50 tons of ore that assays at 900 ounces of silver per ton. Also 200 tons of ore that average 500 ounces of silver per ton. Surface dumps were valued at $12 per ton in 1926 with silver valued at 0.65 per ounce. The mine has not operated since the 1930s although it did have a watchman and miner on site until 1980. Lawrence W. Gillespie held the property from the late 1950s until he passed in 1982.


There are dumps of at least 119k tons valued at 18 ounces of silver per ton on average.

The mine portals and shafts have all collapsed and are not accessible without excavation.

The Blackhawk Mine is also contained on the property. This is a small mine with a collapsed cabin. There is no history of the production of the Blackhawk mine, but it is thought to have also been mined for silver.


The Peerless Jennie Mine camp is still somewhat intact and contains a bunk house and a workshop, both in poor condition but still standing. Restoration or rebuilding of these buildings would likely not require permitting.

The property sits at just below the ridge of the mountain, on a north facing slope overlooking the entire valley and ranges below.



Contact: Gold Rush Expeditions
Use code JRM1003 for a 10% discount.
Terms and Conditions apply.
Ph: 385-218-2138

Contact Information
Peerless Jennie Mine Remini Montana, Remini, Montana 59648, United States

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