delano cleveland silver mines in elko county nevada for sale

Detailed Information

Delano & Cleveland Mine PackNOTICE: A recent change of ownership has taken place and the price for this package has been drastically reduced.

This once in a lifetime opportunity is for the lion's share of the Delano mining district, named after President Theodore Delano Roosevelt. This claim package includes 103.3 acres, 5 unpatented lode mining claims and over 75 US million dollars in verified documented reserves of high grade silver, gold and lead ore.

Primary Claim Package Features:

  • 103.3 Acres of unpatented lode mining claims essentially land-lock the surrounding area of any additional mineral entry
  • Extensive underground workings, electrical rail, mining relics, solid shoring from 1960 in place (over 2 miles of underground development)
  • Extensive drilling and geology work in the area proving out additional resources (Over 40 tons of silver remain)
  • Claim includes multiple historic past producers: Delano, Cleveland, Gold Note, Blue Bell Mines
  • Over 60 Millions USD produced from the Delano/Cleveland mines to date
  • Over 75 Million USD in silver/lead/gold reserves remain on the property
  • Ghost town remnants, cabins, relics, water tower, ore roaster
  • Thousands of tons of headings and tailings piles
  • Nine district ore types
  • Good year-round road access
  • Multiple adits, shafts, declines provide access to the underground development
  • Multiple mines on the claims, including: Gold Note, Rainstorm, Argyle, Little Darling, Bonnie Ray and of course the Delano and Cleveland Mines

The Delano and Cleveland Mines are famous top-dollar past producers in Nevada for Lead and Silver. Total production between the two mines found on the claim total over $60,000,000 (60 MILLION) and include 46.7 tons of silver, and over 1000 tons of lead.

The remnants of the Delano ghost town still stand scattered throughout the two primary mine features on this claim group. A massive fire in 1990 leveled many of the buildings, the evidence of this once flouring mining town still remain in the form of iron relics and stone cabins.

Over 6,200 feet of underground workings were last reported for the Delano mine. The main entrance being seen the photos below, a 30 degree downward dip provides access to the underground network, possibility connecting the Cleveland and Delano mines.

This 681.81 acre claim package is on sale now includes 41 claims in total (see below for maps). The entirely to the Delano Mine and significant portions of the Cleveland Mine are included in this package. Additional mines included in the claim package include the Rainstorm/Argyle, Bonnie Ray, Lead Canyon, Cranky Hank and the Gold Note mines.


The mine has been worked by a number of companies since it's initial discovery in 1872. During 1926 it was a steady producer shipping 30-50 car loads per year. Major Nevada mining companies like Nevada Gold and Newmont have both show interest in this property.View web page with complete details of this property HERE

Asking Price: 185,000 USD
Contact: Mountain Mining

Contact Information
Delano Cleveland Silver mines Elko Nevada 397 5th Street, Elko, Nevada 89801, United States

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