glacier creek yukon placer mine for sale

Detailed Information

Glacier Creek Claims
2nd Richest Creek in 60 Mile District YT
Glacier creek is the 2nd richest creek in the Yukon 60 Mile Gold Mining District. With over 200,000 oz of Gold recovered from the creeks total production.
The upper 1.5 miles was covered in Ice during the Gold rush of 1892 in the Yukon Territory. Hence the name “Glacier Creek”.
Miners tried digging through 8 ft to 12 ft of ice above the ground, to reach the frozen muck, permafrost, and rich pay layers in the upper section of Glacier Creek, but it proved extremely difficult to mine. Most miners would just give up because of the ice being so thick and cold. Some tried shafting in, but easier mining was more attractive at the time, so most miners searched for ground not covered in thick Ice flows. Leaving the upper section of Glacier Creek virtually untouched and virgin ground, escaping the extreme mining pressure's during the Gold Rush.

In the 1940Â’s the Ice had melted, and the upper sections were claimed by a miner who used a shovel, a pick and a small sluice box to mine the gold.
Only hand tools where used to mine the claims for many years by lone miners. The previous owner that I purchased the claims from, was the only miner to run a wash plant on the property during the late 1980Â’s and early 1990Â’s. He had recovered hundreds of ounces of gold on the bottom 2 claims until health issues prevented him from mining. He only mined the bottom 2 claims, and the other 13 claims are virgin ground with Great values! 1 Ounce of Gold approximately every 40 yards of pay layer dirt sluiced!
I have tested the values on every claim, and the values are consistent with many areas that show higher concentrations in pockets.
These claims are rare, and loaded with Gold! Currently, there is very little quality ground left in the Yukon to mine that is for sale.
This is one of the last historic creek opportunities left in the Yukon Territory!

Pay streak gravels estimated at 45,000 yards per claim x 13 virgin Claims = 585,000 yards
Bed Rock is 8 ft to 12 ft deep on average.

585,500 yards / 40 yrds per oz = 14,625 oz at a minimum in reserves. This number could be much higher as benches are also gold bearing gravels and the 2 claims that have been mined still contain Gold in areas.

Minimum Reserves 14,625 oz of Gold x $1,860.00 per ounce = $27,202,500.00
Estimated reserves with bench and side pay 20,000 + Ounces.

Glacier creek is a once in a lifetime opportunity for the right placer miner! Only serious miners will be considered for purchase of this property. I will not lease the property to anyone.

  • 15 Claims
  • CAT 330 Excavator
  • Hein Werner Excavator
  • 2 RvÂ’s
  • Wash Plant
  • Grandfathered Cabin
  • Current Water License
  • Many Tools and other equipment

Turn Key Opportunity!

Asking Price: $3,000,000.00 USD

Contact: Michael

Contact Information
Whitehorse Yukon territory Canada 202 Main Street, whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C1, Canada

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