new era mining claim for sale in nevada

Detailed Information


The New Era East (NEM) mining claim consists of one (1) unpatented mining claim covering 20.66 acres on federal land managed by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. The NEM claim is in the Searchlight District in Clark County, Nevada which is known for gold, silver, lead, zinc, copper, and turquoise.

The NEM claim contains three mining shafts, two adits (horizontal tunnel), trenches, and numerous prospect pits. There are also tailings and ore piles to prospect.

Price: $4,250. See additional information and pictures here:

The main adit extends 100++ feet plus into a heavily mineralized hill and is still in great condition (see picture).

But, the highlight of this property is the extensive trenching – including a large ‘notch’ cut in a mountaintop. I have a video of one of me walking through a long trench that intersects one of the main mineralized structures (message me and I will send you a link to watch it). All of this trenching will help any geologist figure out the area and find new targets. Trenching is one of the best ways to understand near surface geology – and it has been done for you.

The NEM claim covers the historical ‘Badge Claims’ which were in production from 1922-1934.

Location and Access: From Las Vegas head south on US Highway 95 for 57 miles to Searchlight, Nevada. Turn left on Cottonwood Cove Drive and go east for 5.2 miles. Turn right into a gravel road which goes to the mine. The claim is readily accessible by 2WD vehicle and you can drive right to the main workings. Good access means cheaper exploration and that mining equipment and personnel will have no problem being located right near the ore.

GPS Coordinates: 35.4674561N, 114.8370262W (location of northernmost mining shaft)

Mining and Exploration Potential: the NEM claim could be developed for small scale silver and gold mining depending on exploration results. It could also be developed into a larger exploration play that may interest one of the local mining companies. Examination of the historical workings, prospecting the claim and nearby area for additional claims should be a priority. The historical mining was on outcrop areas and prospective ground under thin gravel cover remains mostly unexplored. Finding additional deposits under thin gravel cover should be possible using modern geophysical and geochemical techniques.

There is extensive propylitic and argillic alteration in the area that extends for a few miles around the claims. There are multiple former producing mines in the area. I have three additional claims nearby.

The intensity and size of the alteration zone means this could be a much larger target that could potentially interest a larger mining company. Moreover – this claim has some of the best access – with a road right to the main adit.

The Searchlight District is located in Clark County, Nevada about 57 miles south of Las Vegas.

The district was discovered in 1897 on the Searchlight claim which became the Duplex Mine. Shortly thereafter, a discovery was made at the Quartette Mine which became the biggest producer in the district. Mills were built on site when water was discovered.

The Searchlight mining boom peaked in about 1907. The town boasted 44 working mines, a dozen saloons, several mills, and a population of 5,000.

In 1908 a turquoise weighing 320 carats was found in the district and valued at $2600 ($72,000 in todayÂ’s dollars). The Simmons Mine, a significant turquoise producer, is to the west of Searchlight in the Crescent District. Small turquoise prospects are found throughout the district.

The Searchlight District was in continuous production from 1902 to 1954. Records indicate that 581,014 tons of ore was produced in this timeframe yielding 246,991 ounces of gold, 219,596 ounces of silver, 650,550 lbs of copper, and 1,675,560 lbs of lead.

Regional Geology: The NEM claims is located in the Walker Lane Mineral Belt within the Basin and Range physiographic province. The Basin and Range province covers most of Nevada and consists of narrow NE trending mountain ranges between flat, arid valleys and basins. The Walker Lane mineral belt is an area with a high density of parallel strike-slip faults extending from Reno to Las Vegas roughly along the California- Nevada border. Faulting and volcanic activity make the Walker Lane favorable for hosting gold and silver deposits including some of the most famous precious metal mining districts in the US including the Comstock, Goldfield, Tonopah, Bullfrog, Mineral Ridge, and Round Mountain.

Local Geology: The District consists of pre-Cambrian schists and gneisses which are intruded by quartz-monzonite and Tertiary volcanics. Ore bodies are found at the contacts and fault zones between the quartz-monzonite and gneisses and also the Tertiary volcanics. The veins generally strike NW and are dipping SW approx. 65-70 degrees. Ore in the District was oxidized and the gold was free-milling.

The shafts on the NEM claim are collared in brecciated andesite dikes which show propylitic and argillic alteration. The breccia has abundant open spacing and is cemented with drusy / cockscomb quartz. Oxidized sulphides found in the open cavaties of the breccia. The dikes are surrounded by dioritic gneiss. (Smith, Sample Site 1347 Report, Nevada Bureau of Mine).

There is massive propylitic and argillic alteration. The propylitic alteration extends for at least a mile around the main workings. There may be a flat lying structure underneath the propylitic zone that contains the gold mineralization. Extensive trenching has exposed these contacts and associated veins. A sample of a local vein ran 14 oz/ton silver and 0.71 oz/ton gold.

Available Reports: Excerpt from “Turquoise Deposits of Nevada” (Morrissey, 1968), Report on the Searchlight Property, Descarreaux (1981), Mining District and Mineral Resources of Nevada, Lincoln (1923), Sample Site 1347 Report, Nevada Bureau of Mines (1981).

Why Nevada?

Nevada is consistently ranked as one of the top mining jurisdictions in the world for being mining-friendly and continuing to produce major discoveries. If Nevada was a country it would be the 5th largest gold producer in the world (after Australia, Canada, China, and Russia). Nevada is home to the Carlin Trend, the Cortez Trend, the Walker Lane Trend, the Getchell Trend and many other prolific gold producing regions. In addition to gold Nevada also has major mines producing silver, copper, lithium, iron ore, magnesium, gems and many other minerals. Nevada is 85% owned by the federal government and most of this land is available for claim staking. This means some of the best mining ground in the world is open to small prospectors – a very unique situation. There are many mining companies active in Nevada and therefore, multiple potential buyers for any discovery you make. Canadian based junior exploration companies are particularly active in Nevada.

Why Buy a Claim?
Buying a claim is a great way to get started in mining and prospecting. Buying a claim that is professionally staked reduces your upfront work and the risk of making a mistake on your paperwork or in the field. Our claims are in areas with historical mining activity and most have numerous pits, shafts, and adits to explore. Finding these claims takes lots of research that is already done for you. The best place to find gold is where people have already found it!

Why Us?
I have been working in mineral exploration in the southwestern United States and Alaska for 16 years. I have co-founded four junior mining companies and managed numerous drilling and exploration projects. I have worked with large and small mining companies and know what types of projects they are looking for that can be advanced by small prospectors. I have also worked on small hardrock production projects. I usually try to find claims that have known high grade veins that can be produced and that also have some exploration upside. We stand by our claims and fix any problems that come up. We can also help you with your annual filings. All our claims have a BLM serial number and can be found on the U.S. BLM MLRS website database. We hire the same professional claim staking companies that the large mining companies hire and all the claims have professionally drafted and accurate maps. We also have current assays from ALS Minerals on most of our claims.

How is ownership of the claim transferred?
Ownership of mining claims is transferred with a Quit Claim Deed which we prepare. We pay all claim transfer fees and file the claim transfer paperwork with the BLM and Clark County. The BLM takes about 2-3 weeks to process the claim transfer (Quit Claim) and register the claim in your name. The Clark County Recorder usually take 1-2 weeks to return the recorded Quit Claim Deed. Once the transfer is complete we will send you all the original documents including the file stamped Quit Claim Deed, the original location notices and claim maps.

How Much are the Annual Claim Fees?
The BLM charges a $165 per claim annual maintenance fee which is due on September 1st each year. The BLM fees can be paid online through their claim management portal. Clark County requires that a Notice of Intent to Hold form is filed the first year by Nov 1st along with payment of the recording fee of $10 plus $12 per claim.

If you own less than 10 mining claims you can qualify for a waiver of the annual maintenance fee by filing a Small MinerÂ’s Waiver. However, the Small MinerÂ’s Waiver requires that you perform $100 in labor or improvements on the claim each year.

More Information
The claim is listed on Ebay here:
Also, you can find more pictures on my website here:

Contact: Jeff Janda
Phone: 858-752-8503

Contact Information
New Era Mining, Reno, Nevada 89501, United States

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