O'Donnel Placer Claims

Detailed Information

O'Donnel Placer ClaimsThe O'Donnel River placer claims are located in the historic Atlin Mining division, Map #104N, in the province of British Columbia.

The gold that was found in the Atlin area was truly legendary. It is estimated that over 1.5 million ounces of placer gold have been produced from the creeks. Several creeks are known to have produced nuggets in excess of 50 ounces. The best placer gold creeks were Pine Creek, Boulder Creek, Spruce Creek, Ruby Creek, and the O'Donnel River.

Otter Creek, Bull Creek, and Feather Creek, above the claims, are tributaries of the upper O' Donnel River and have seen production as well as the old town site, which is immediately below the claims. The claims have seen limited production because of deeper ground. Two recent geophysical programs have found a number of potential paleochannels, channels not scoured by glaciation. Reverse circulation drilling has proved to be the best way to test these area because of depth and ground water, A floater recovery system, is the most economic and viable equipment for mining this area and is on site,

The majority of the claims have had only limited exploration. Old-timers worked the pups flowing into the O'Donnel River or worked the bars of the river itself. Some old shafts were put in on the benches, but groundwater was a problem. Gravel benches also present potential mining areas.

The claims are located 50 kilometers by road from the community of Atlin, B.C. Warm Bay Road is the main access to the O'Donnel River.


Good gold recovery results have been achived above the claims on Feather Creek, Bull Creek and Otter Creek as well as the O'Donnel town site located immediately below the claims. Small operations on the property have recovered nice gold and the potential for large scale operations are good.

There is extensive information on the O'donnell in the B C archives. There is an existing water license on the property as well as permits and the reclamation bond is also in place in place.

Asking price: $800,000.00 cdn

Conatct: Emmett
Email: emmett@ryanripper.com

Warning - This property is offered for mining purposes only and ownership of the title to it does not include ownership of the surface rights or the rights to use the surface for residential or recreational purposes.


Contact Information
O'Donnel Placer Atlin BC, Atlin, BC V0W 1A0, Canada

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