North American Nickel Inc

North American Nickel Inc. is a Canadian mineral exploration company that focuses on the exploration and development of nickel-copper-platinum group element (PGE) deposits in Canada and Greenland. The company's flagship property is the Maniitsoq project in Greenland, which is one of the world's largest undeveloped nickel-copper-PGE sulphide deposits. North American Nickel also has exploration projects in Ontario and Quebec, Canada. The company was founded in 2009 and is headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Stock Quotes

North American Nickel Inc. (NAN) is a mineral exploration company that focuses on the exploration and development of nickel-copper-cobalt sulphide deposits in Canada. The company's competitive edge lies in its strong technical team, extensive experience in mineral exploration, and its focus on high-quality assets with significant potential for growth.

NAN's technical team has a wealth of experience in mineral exploration, with a proven track record of discovering and developing high-quality mineral deposits. The team's expertise in geology, geophysics, and geochemistry allows them to identify and evaluate potential mineral deposits with a high degree of accuracy.

In addition, NAN's focus on high-quality assets with significant potential for growth sets it apart from its peers. The company's flagship property, the Maniitsoq project in Greenland, is one of the largest undeveloped nickel-copper-cobalt sulphide deposits in the world. The project has significant potential for growth, with multiple high-grade mineralized zones that have yet to be fully explored.

Overall, NAN's strong technical team, extensive experience in mineral exploration, and focus on high-quality assets with significant potential for growth give it a competitive edge in the industry.


1. Limited geographical diversification - North American Nickel Inc operates primarily in Canada, which limits its exposure to other potentially lucrative markets.

2. Smaller market capitalization - Compared to its peers, North American Nickel Inc has a smaller market capitalization, which may limit its ability to attract investors and raise capital.

3. Limited production capacity - The company has limited production capacity, which may limit its ability to meet demand and compete with larger peers.

4. Higher operating costs - North American Nickel Inc may have higher operating costs compared to its peers due to its smaller size and limited production capacity.

5. Higher risk profile - As a smaller company, North American Nickel Inc may have a higher risk profile compared to its larger, more established peers.

6. Limited resources for research and development - The company may have limited resources for research and development, which may limit its ability to innovate and stay competitive in the market.

7. Dependence on a single commodity - North American Nickel Inc is primarily focused on nickel exploration and production, which makes it vulnerable to fluctuations in the price of nickel.

8. Limited track record - The company has a limited track record compared to its more established peers, which may make it less attractive to investors and partners.

Peer Comparisons

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Ticker 1 - NAN

Ticker 2 - WSCRF

Ticker 3 -

Exchange 1 - TSXV

Exchange 2 - OTCQB

Exchange 3 -

Primary Info
Date Established
3400-100 King St W PO Box 130, Toronto, ON M5X 1A4, Canada
Website Data
Meta Title
North American Nickel | Home
Meta Description
North American Nickel Inc. is a Canadian mineral exploration company focused on the acquisition and exploration of nickel, copper and platinum group element (PGE) projects in Canada and Finland.
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Second Title
Premium Nickel Resources Ltd.
North American Nickel, nickel mining, nickel exploration, Sudbury Basin, Thompson Nickel Belt, Manitoba, Nunavut, Canada, mineral exploration, mineral deposits, geology, geophysics, geochemistry, drill programs, drill results, resource estimates, mineral resources, mineral reserves, mining, mining operations, mining projects, mining development, mining companies, mining industry, mining news, mining stocks,

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