Refiners, Assayers, Smelting & Minting Service Providers

Below is a list of refiners and assayers. If you are not on our list and wish to be listed here just contact us for more info.

Byzantium International Ltd.
PO Box 2173,
Grand Cayman, KY1-1105
Cayman Islands.

S&S Advanced Metal Technologies LLC
PO Box 70562
Seattle, WA 98127
PH: (425) 956-3506
Fax: (425) 956-3191

Cameco Corporation
1 Eldorado Pl
Port Hope On L1A 3A1
phone 905-885-4511

INCO ltd
87 Davis St, PO box 250, Port colborne, ON L3K 5W2
Phone - 905-835-6000
Port Colborne Refinery
Nickel refinery, also process precious metals

General Refining
For more than 40 years, General Refining Corporation has provided refining of gold, silver and platinum group metals. The main focus of our service is working with miners, jewellers, dentists and industrial corporations. The materials we refine for gold miners are: Placer Gold, Concentrates and Black Sands. Three Canadian Offices for your convenience.

General Refining Corporation
339 Reid Street (Unit C)
Quesnel, B.C. V2J 2M5
Phone: 236-424-4144

General Refining Corporation
18 Strathearn Avenue, Unit #2C
Brampton, ON, L6T 4V6
Phone: 905-792-2709
Fax: 905-792-0748

General Refining Corporation
Box 627, 978 - 2nd Ave. Suite #6,
Dawson City, Yukon, Y0B 1G0
Phone: 867-993-5093
Fax: 867-993-5094

Kitco Inc.
620 Cathcart #900
Montreal, QC
(877) 775-4826-or-51
Kitco offers a wide range of Mill Products and Refining Services.

The Bullion Mart Inc.
1601 - 21 Dundas Square
Toronto, ON
(416) 924-3222
We Buy and Sale all kind of Precious Metals.

KMG Gold Recycling
1331 Somerville Av
Winnipeg, MB
(604) 836-6209KMG Gold Recycling buys and recycles all forms of gold, silver and platinum. Best rates in Canada. Gold buyer of scrap jewellery. We also offer refining, assay services and solutions for precious metal waste recovery.

Imperial Smelting and Refining Co of Canada Ltd
451 Denison St
Markham On L3R 1B7
phone - 905 475-9566
The plant is located in Markham, On
Since 1914, Imperial has dedicated itself to providing the customer with the highest quality product and service, becoming the most reliable and broad-based manufacturer of preciousmetals products in Canada.

Johnson Matthey Ltd
130 Glidden Road
Brampton On L6W 3M8
Plant located in Brampton, On
Product - refined gold, silver and platinum and group metals and alloys in sheet, coin blanks, bars, wire, tubing,salts, solers etc as well as other manufactured forms.

Royal Canadian Mint
320 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, ON K1A 0G8
phone: 519-249-1540
Plant located in Ottawa, On
Product - refiners of gold, gold products include coins, London Good Delivery
400-oz bars and 100-oz COMEX Good Delivery bars as well as grain gold and shot for jewellery and electronics industries.

Handy and Harman of Canada Ltd
290 Carlingview Drive
Rexdale, On M9W 5G1
Plant location - Toronto On
Products - Silver and gold refiners; silver and silver alloy sheet and wires; brazing alloys and solders

TCB International LLC
PO Box 5858
Concord, NC 28027
Plant Location: Phoenix, AZ within 5 miles of Sky Harbor Airport
TCB is a toll processing facility that specializes in the processing of precious metal ore concentrates or high grade ore. Our environmentally friendly leaching system allows us to also process black sands, sulfide ores and some telluride ores.

Technic Inc
1-3551 Vikingway
Richmond, British Columbia V6V 1W1
phone 604-270-8778
Plant located in Richmond, BC
Product - refiners of gold, silver and platinum group metals

Teck Cominco Metals Ltd - Trail operation
PO box 1000, Trail, BC V1R 4L8
phone 250-364-4235
Zinc lead Smelter and Refinery, additional products from lead opers include silver, gold, bismuth,copper sulphate, copper arsenate and sodium antimonate.

INCO Ltd - Copper cliff complex
Copper Cliff, ON P0M 1N0
Phone - 705-682-4211
copper-nickel smelter and refinery, also produces gold, silver, selenium, Tellurium, semirefined platium group metals and nickle sulphate.

Sherritt International Corp
PO box 3388 Stn Main,
Fort Saskatchewan, AB T8L 2T3
phone - 780-992-7000
Nickel-Colbert Refinery.

Golden West Refining Canada Ltd
1500 Albemi Street
Vancouver, BC V6G 3C9
Plant location Lot 30, Callison Estate,Dawnson City Yukon
Phone - 604 -946- 4554
Refiners of gold, silver and platinum group metals and producers of grain and bar

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