Junior Companies Starting With "N"
NRG Metals Inc (TSX-V: NGZ )
NSGold (TSX-V: NSX )
NV Gold Corp (TSX-V: NVX )
NxGold (TSX-V: NXN )
Namibia Critical Metals Inc (TSX-V: NMI )
Nautilus Minerals Inc. (TSX-V: NUS
Nemaska Lithium (TSX-V: NMX)
Neo Lithium (TSX-V: NLC )
Network Exploration (TSX-V: NET
Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX-V: NCU)
Nevada Energy Metals (TSX-V:BFF)
Nevada Exploration (TSX-V: NGE )
Nevada Sunrise Gold (TSX-V: NEV )
Nevada Zinc (TSX-V: NZN )
New Age Metals Inc (TSX-V: NAM )
New Destiny Mining (TSX-V: NED )
New Era Minerals (TSX-V: NEM )
New Gold Inc. (TSX-V: NGD)
New Millennium Iron Corp (TSX-V: NML )
New Nadina Explorations Limited. (TSX-V: NAA)
New Oroperu Resources Inc. (TSX-V: ORO)
New Pacific Metals Corp. (TSX-V: NUX)
New World Resource Corp. (TSX-V: NW)
Newmac Resources Inc. (TSX-V: NER)
Newport Exploration Ltd. (TSX-V:NWX)
Newrange Gold Corp (TSX-V: NRG )
NexGen Energy (TSX-V: NXE )
Nexus Gold (TSX-V: NXS )
Nickel Creek Platinum (TSX-V: NCP )
Nicola Mining (TSX-V:NIM)
Nikos Exploration Ltd. (TSX-V: NIK)
Niocan Inc. (TSX-V: NIO)
NioGold Mining Corporation. (TSX-V: NOX)
Noka Resources (TSX-V: NX)
Nordic Diamonds Ltd. (TSX-V: NDL)
Noront Resources Ltd. (TSX-V: NOT)
Nortec Ventures Corp. (TSX-V:NVT)
North American Tungsten Corporation. (TSX-V: NTC)
North Arrow Minerals Inc. (TSX-V: NAR)
North Bay Resources (OTCBB: NBRI)
North Bay a junior mining company with over 150 mineral and placer claims
Northern Abitibi Mining Corp. (TSX-V: NAI)
Northern Lion Corporation. (TSX-V: NL)
Northern Mining Limited. (ASX: NMI)
Northern Vertex Mining (TSX-V:NEE)
Northern Shield Resources Inc. (TSX-V: NRN)
Nuinsco Resources Limited. (TSX-V: NWI)