happy hour mineral claim

Detailed Information

Happy Hour Mineral Claim Contact Gold Rush Expeditions
Use code JRM1003 for a 10% discount.
Ph: 385-218-2138
Email: goldrush@goldrushexpeditions.com

The Happy Hour claim is a largely undocumented placer gold mining property located in the southern tip of the West Elk Mountain Range. The property is at the base of Black Gulch, near the confluence of Sun Creek at an elevation of 8800Â’. The Happy Hour is a sister claim to the Paymaster claim which is on Sun creek, on the eastern side of the Gulch.

The mine is a gold mine and has had some light placer activity in the past. It appears the last real work was done in the development of drifts on the west slope. This is estimated to have been done in the last big rush between 1901 and 1909.

The property is remote and there is limited access into the canyon via Colorado County Road 859. This road is not passable except by snowmobile in the winter months. A large and well-appointed cabin sits on the property and could be utilized with a bond and a Notice of Intent.

The cabin will need some rehab and cleaning but is solid and structurally sound. It appears that the last time the cabin was inhabited was 2005 The value in this being that one could stay on the claim and work through the season in relative comfort. Being on site it would be possible to bring equipment to work the claim and monitor the same.

The mineral value on the claim is gold. There is noted gold flake in the creek where it was sampled in 2018. The region is also known for its gold production, though large gold mines are located much farther north. There are indications of adit cuts on the west slope of the canyon on the claim. These have long been closed and they are not documented nor is their extent known.

It is obvious that someone, within the past 10 years has executed some placer work. There are bridges and workstations across the creek. Some small dams and stops. All well overgrown and have not been used in many years.

The claim follows the creek to the base of Black Gulch where it meets with Sun Creek. This appears to have the most potential for placer operations and there is black sand and quartz throughout the waterways.

It is assumed that one could operate, with very little interference, a productive placer wash plant.



Contact: Gold Rush Expeditions
Use code JRM1003 for a 10% discount.
Ph: 385-218-2138
Email: goldrush@goldrushexpeditions.com

Contact Information
7355 E 200 S, Huntsville, UT 84317, United States

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