roosevelt mine in southern california for sale

Detailed Information

Roosevelt Mineral PropertyContact Gold Rush Expeditions
Use code JRM1003 for a 10% discount.
Ph: 385-218-2138


The Roosevelt Mining Property is a gold mine located in south east California in Riverside County. The mine and the general region is economically depressed and there is little industry in the area aside from some farming operations. There are no major towns nearby, the dying town of Blythe, CA, being the closest but offers little in amenities or services. Desert Center, California, some 50 miles away would be the closest town with access to all needed amenities.

It is for this reason that the Roosevelt remains largely undeveloped and overlooked in the harsh Mule Mountains. The range is a small grouping of high peaks, deep canyons, inhospitable to hikers, bikers or other recreation development. In fact, the mining may be the sole value of the range.


Gold is found in native form in some of the waste dumps on the site. It is in small specks but not microscopic. It is assumed to have been discarded as more valuable ores were being developed on the Rainbow and Roosevelt veins. The apex of both of the aforementioned veins are contained on the Roosevelt Mining Claim.

The mine camp is established below the main haulage portal on the property. There is very little left, remains of a gear driven arrastra and a few foundations for machinery.


The primary mine workings are cut intercepting and opening the Roosevelt vein, which is gold bearing, copper stained quartz with some iron showings in a granordite type host rock. There is visible gold in small quantities noticeable inside the vein in the quartz. Exploration of the vein and definition of the boundaries of the vein would likely yield positive results. These main workings consist of a large, stable adit which intercepts at least four (4) shafts and or open stopes. Open stopes showing where the vein was worked to the surface. The shafts were not explored for drift levels or more information on the vein limits. Total estimated linear workings seen at in this complex is 1200Â’. This does not account for shafts and stopes. There are likely other drift levels inside the shafts that are not mapped or explored for mineral content.


South of the Roosevelt vein development is another smaller mine complex assumed to be cut to develop the Rainbow vein. The Rainbow is said to be of similar composition and measure as that of the Roosevelt. This information is unverified as surveyors were unable to find safe access into the Rainbow mine workings to map and document the Rainbow vein. This complex of workings is roughly 300Â’ south of the main Roosevelt haulage portal.

The total claim covers 20 acres and what appears to be the majority of the development of the Rainbow and Roosevelt veins. There are extensive dozer cuts and trenches run through the property. The mines were gated by the California Division of Mines in or around 2000-2001. These gates have no impact on the mining of the vein or exploration of the property but are in place for public safety.



Asking Price: $22,729

Contact: Gold Rush Expeditions
Use code JRM1003 for a 10% discount.
Ph: 385-218-2138

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United States

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