the last chance mining property in colorado is for sale

Detailed Information

Last Chance Mineral Property Contact Gold Rush Expeditions
Use code JRM1003 for a 10% discount.
Terms and Conditions apply.
Ph: 385-218-2138


The Last Chance Mineral property is a gold, silver and copper mine located in the Crystal Hill Mining District. The property encompasses at least four (4) shafts and three (3) adits. There is substantial infrastructure from the original mine still evident around the property.

The property was mined primarily for gold and copper although native silver in the form of wires and clusters is common among the crystal formations. Surveyors collected samples from each of the dumps noted on the attached overhead map. Some samples contained native silver in a wire form. The fact that these samples were found in the dumps indicates that the original mining activity was focused on gold and copper, with high grade silver being discarded. Some copper was found in the dumps, but it was sparse, the best copper samples were taken from the hard rock near the old portals.


Gold assays were widely varied from 2.1oz per ton to trace. Average assay value across the dumps was 0.148 oz. per ton. Copper values averaged 3.7%, with some spikes as high as 19%. Silver values varied from 24oz per ton to no content at all. Average Silver assay was 0.104 oz. per ton. The dump material indicates the material is highly oxidized, there was no pyrite noted in the material. Dumps were measured and individually assayed using grab samples gathered by surveyors.

The subsurface portals on the property have been closed and none were accessible at the time of the survey. The fill over the portals is likely not natural although there are no markers of reclamation. As there was no access to the subsurface workings, there were no samples taken from underground.


Based on observations of the workings on the hill, the trend of the veins is rather simple to map, but the depth and scale of the veins is unknown.

Buildings on the property include several cabins, a large load out, and a vault with stone construction. These buildings are in rough shape and historical in nature as they have likely not been used since the late 1940s.


The property is located on a good county road that appears to be maintained seasonally. The Last Chance is less than 3000Â’ from the famous Crystal Hill Gold Mine which produced gold into the 1970s and is still a popular location for rockhounds searching for high grade native gold and silver specimens.

The property should be viewed as a high value gold property that is largely undeveloped. In 1978 a mining company opened the top of the Crystal Hill mine and pulled 30,000 ounces of gold in 4 years. The crash in gold prices in 1981-82 mothballed the property and it has not been re-opened since. The geology and the mineralization at the Last Chance are far superior to what was surveyed at the Crystal Hill mine, gold, silver and copper will be the primary minerals on the site.



Contact: Gold Rush Expeditions
Use code JRM1003 for a 10% discount.
Terms and Conditions apply.
Ph: 385-218-2138

Contact Information
The last chance mine Park County Colorado, Park County, Colorado 80435, United States

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