placer claim on hunker creek yukon for sale

Detailed Information

Klondike Hunker Creek Bench Placer ClaimOne Klondike White Channel Gravel bench claim. Located across from Paradise Hill, Dago Hill and Preido Hill mines on the north side of Hunker Creek. Access is roughly 4km from Dawson City airport and North Klondike Highway on the government-maintained Hunker Creek Road. ATV and equipment trails run to and across the property.

The claim is on top of a hill above some of the historically richest creek-bottom ground in the Klondike. Geological work done on the property includes 18 resistivity and induced polarization geophysics surveys that were conducted for 3D imaging of bedrock surface, black sand and gravel distribution. Trenches and test pits show fine and coarse gold occurrence but no grade has been determined. No permafrost or groundwater was encountered. Gold was found in the lower 2 feet of gravel directly above bedrock. Most of the claim contains White Channel Gravels and is mineable using light equipment. A compact excavator can easily dig to bedrock.

Location of claim on Hunker CreekSome Klondike-era shafts are present but no modern mining has taken place on the property.

Five years of assessment credits and Class 1 exploration approval have been applied to the property. Bedrock is 9-12 feet below surface with several layers of gavel and silt above the pay layer. Sluicing water is approximately 1000 feet from the claim line in Wet Gulch or 4-Above Pup.

Claim in relation to other mines with historical
White Channel Gravel edge marked in red.
Complete Yukon Mineral Exploration Program geological report available upon request.

Asking price: $16,000.00

Contact: Jim

Ph: 867 336-2606

Contact Information
United States

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