senator hanna gold property colorado for sale

Detailed Information

Senator Hanna Gold PropertyThe property is 62 acres of patented mining claims. There is not a road to the property but by accessing a non-exclusive easement through private property, a good road could be built to the top of my property for between $50,000 and $100,000. Once the road is in a miner would have 20 acres of mostly level ground on which to stage a mining operation, drilling or tunneling in any direction with tunnel easements and a share of the ore results and a share in the value "tunneled" for the easement claim owners.

The property has never been drilled for ore before but is very close to The Lead Carbonate Mine (REEs are found most often with the "carbonates"). However, as determined from drilling, there is an ore body 1/4 mile away that contains about 16.91666 short tons of gold & 154.1666 short tons of silver: these gold & silver deposits are about 1500 feet above the Gold King tunnel and about 500 feet above the level 20 acres of my property.

There are several active mines from the past, all ranging from one mile away to within 200 feet of my property. (photos here of the Lead Carbonate Mine tunneling, the closest to my property) These mines include the George Washington Mine, the Ben Franklin Mine, the Gold King Mine, the Sunnyside Mine,, the Black Hawk Mine, the American Tunnel Mine, the Grivitza Mine, the Mountain Eagle Mine, the Mogul Mine and the Minnehaha Mine.

To view the complete listing with over 40 images: Click Here

Asking price: $277,000

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Contact Information
Senator Hanna Gold Property, Silverton, Colorado 81433, United States

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