SLTS Placer Trommel SLTS Placer Trommel. Newly fabricated with no shortcuts.
- Specs as follows:
- 36 Drum
- 3/4.207 wire screen
- Eaton Hydraulic Drive
- Subaru 14hp gas
- tipping grizzly
- max force 28,000lbs
- angle iron riffs and expanded over 3x 10 sluiceway
- Greenline Hoses
- top end connector hoses
- flow limiter control speed
Made by a Miner for mining. Ready to Run. Many bends not welded. This is a sweet heart and sole build. Enginereed only qualified trades worked on project. 100% Proffessionally build.
Ready to Mine? Have to sell my dream, due to being over extended.
Asking Price: $45,000