Perseus Mining Limited

Perseus Mining Limited is a mining company that operates in West Africa. The company's primary focus is on the exploration, development, and production of gold in Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire. Perseus Mining Limited was founded in 2004 and is headquartered in Subiaco, Western Australia. The company's flagship project is the Edikan Gold Mine in Ghana, which began production in 2011. Perseus Mining Limited also has two other projects in development: the Sissingué Gold Mine in Côte d'Ivoire and the Yaouré Gold Project, also in Côte d'Ivoire. The company is committed to responsible mining practices and has implemented various sustainability initiatives in the communities where it operates.

Stock Quotes

Perseus Mining Limited is a gold exploration and production company that operates in West Africa. The company has several competitive advantages that differentiate it from its peers -

1. Strong Financial Position - Perseus Mining has a strong financial position with a debt-free balance sheet and a healthy cash balance. This allows the company to fund its growth initiatives and invest in exploration activities.

2. Experienced Management Team - The company has an experienced management team with a proven track record of successfully developing and operating gold mines in West Africa.

3. Diversified Portfolio - Perseus Mining has a diversified portfolio of assets in West Africa, including the Edikan Gold Mine in Ghana and the Sissingué Gold Mine in Côte d'Ivoire. This diversification reduces the company's exposure to any single asset or country.

4. Strong Operational Performance - The company has a strong operational performance with a focus on cost control and efficiency. This has resulted in consistently high production levels and low operating costs.

5. Commitment to Sustainability - Perseus Mining is committed to sustainability and has implemented several initiatives to reduce its environmental impact and support local communities. This commitment to sustainability is increasingly important to investors and stakeholders.

Overall, Perseus Mining's strong financial position, experienced management team, diversified portfolio, strong operational performance, and commitment to sustainability give it a competitive edge over its peers in the gold mining industry.


1. Limited geographical diversification - Perseus Mining Limited operates solely in West Africa, which makes it vulnerable to political and economic instability in the region.

2. Smaller scale operations - Compared to its peers, Perseus Mining Limited has smaller scale operations, which may limit its ability to compete in terms of production and cost efficiency.

3. Higher production costs - Perseus Mining Limited has higher production costs compared to some of its peers, which may impact its profitability and ability to generate returns for shareholders.

4. Lower production volumes - Perseus Mining Limited has lower production volumes compared to some of its peers, which may limit its ability to generate revenue and compete in the market.

5. Limited exploration and development activities - Perseus Mining Limited has limited exploration and development activities compared to some of its peers, which may limit its ability to expand its resource base and grow its operations.

6. Reliance on a single mine - Perseus Mining Limited relies heavily on its Edikan mine for revenue and production, which may expose it to operational and financial risks if there are any disruptions or issues at the mine.

Peer Comparisons

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Ticker 1 - PRU

Ticker 2 - PRU

Ticker 3 - AOB7MN

Exchange 1 - TSX

Exchange 2 - Australian

Exchange 3 - F

Primary Info
Date Established
437 Roberts Rd PO Box 1578, Subiaco, Western 6008, Australia
Website Data
Meta Title
Perseus Mining Limited - West African focused gold company
Meta Description
Perseus Mining is a West African gold producer, developer and explorer with two operating mines in Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire, and a third project in development. Perseus has a solid track record of delivering strong operating results and growing production, reserves and resources.
Main Header
Second Title
Perseus Mining, gold mining, gold exploration, gold production, West Africa, Ghana, Cote d'Ivoire, Guinea, Burkina Faso, Liberia, Mali, Sierra Leone, Guinea-Bissau, Senegal, exploration, mining, development, resources, reserves, gold, copper, iron ore, diamonds, bauxite

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