Viva Gold Corp's current business strategies and operations. However, based on publicly available information, here are some potential competitive advantages or unique features that may differentiate Viva Gold Corp from its peers -
1. Strategic location - Viva Gold Corp's Tonopah Gold Project is located in Nevada, which is known for its mining-friendly regulatory environment and abundant mineral resources. The project is also situated near existing infrastructure, including highways, power lines, and water sources, which could reduce the costs and time required for development.
2. Experienced management team - Viva Gold Corp's management team has extensive experience in the mining industry, including exploration, development, and production. The team has also worked on several successful projects in Nevada, which could provide valuable insights and networks for the Tonopah Gold Project.
3. High-grade gold deposits - According to Viva Gold Corp's exploration results, the Tonopah Gold Project has significant high-grade gold deposits, which could potentially result in lower production costs and higher profitability compared to peers with lower-grade deposits.
4. Innovative exploration techniques - Viva Gold Corp has utilized innovative exploration techniques, such as geophysical surveys and 3D modeling, to identify new targets and optimize drilling programs. These techniques could potentially increase the efficiency and accuracy of exploration and reduce the risks of costly drilling mistakes.
5. Strong community relations - Viva Gold Corp has emphasized building strong relationships with local communities and stakeholders, including indigenous groups and government agencies. This approach could potentially reduce the risks of regulatory or social conflicts and enhance the company's reputation and social license to operate.