Yanzhou Coal Mining Company Limited

Yanzhou Coal Mining Company Limited is a Chinese state-owned coal mining company. It is one of the largest coal mining companies in China and is listed on the Hong Kong, Shanghai, and New York stock exchanges. The company operates coal mines in China, Australia, and Canada, and also engages in power generation, railway transportation, and coal chemical production. Yanzhou Coal Mining Company Limited was founded in 1973 and is headquartered in Zoucheng, Shandong Province, China.

Stock Quotes

Yanzhou Coal Mining Company Limited is one of the largest coal mining companies in China and is listed on the Hong Kong, Shanghai, and New York stock exchanges. The company has several competitive advantages that differentiate it from its peers -

1. Large coal reserves - Yanzhou Coal Mining Company Limited has significant coal reserves, which provide a stable source of raw material for its operations. The company's reserves are estimated to be around 6.4 billion tons, which is one of the largest in China.

2. Diversified operations - The company has diversified operations, which include coal mining, coal chemical production, power generation, and railway transportation. This diversification helps the company to mitigate risks and generate stable revenue streams.

3. Advanced technology - Yanzhou Coal Mining Company Limited has invested heavily in advanced technology to improve its mining efficiency and reduce its environmental impact. The company has implemented a range of technologies, including longwall mining, hydraulic support systems, and coal washing facilities.

4. Strong financial position - The company has a strong financial position, with a healthy balance sheet and a low debt-to-equity ratio. This financial strength enables the company to invest in new projects and expand its operations.

5. Experienced management team - Yanzhou Coal Mining Company Limited has an experienced management team with a deep understanding of the coal mining industry. The team has a proven track record of delivering strong financial results and driving growth.


1. High debt levels - Yanzhou Coal Mining Company Limited has a high debt-to-equity ratio compared to its peers, which can limit its financial flexibility and increase its risk profile.

2. Limited diversification - The company is heavily reliant on coal mining operations, which can be affected by fluctuations in demand and prices. This lack of diversification can make the company more vulnerable to market volatility.

3. Environmental concerns - The coal mining industry is often associated with environmental concerns, including air and water pollution, land degradation, and greenhouse gas emissions. Yanzhou Coal Mining Company Limited may face regulatory and reputational risks related to these issues.

4. Labor issues - The company has faced labor disputes in the past, which can disrupt operations and damage its reputation. This can also lead to higher labor costs and lower productivity.

5. Geographic concentration - Yanzhou Coal Mining Company Limited operates primarily in China, which can limit its growth potential and expose it to political and economic risks in the country. This lack of geographic diversification can also make the company more vulnerable to local market conditions.

Peer Comparisons

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Ticker 1 - YZCHF

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Exchange 1 - OTC Pink

Exchange 2 - Hong Kong

Exchange 3 -

Primary Info
Date Established
298 Fushan S Rd Zoucheng City, Shandong Prov 273500, Hong Kong
Website Data
Meta Title
Yanzhou Coal Mining Company Limited
Meta Description
Yanzhou Coal Mining Company Limited is principally engaged in the mining, washing, processing and distribution of coal products.
Main Header
Second Title
Yanzhou Coal, coal mining, coal production, coal industry, energy industry, China coal industry, coal resources, coal reserves, coal exploration, coal development, coal investment, coal production capacity, coal production technology, coal safety, coal quality

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