the best mining stock picks

A Year = New Stock Picks

Every year at this time stock analysts come out with recomendations on which stocks or sectors of a certain industry will be the better performer. Of course with gold and other metals being down so much over the last few years it's hard to find any who are upbeat and have anything positive to say. Last year a couple of analysts I remember said Kaminak and Sabina would be the better performers. Turns out they were pretty much bang on as Kaminak ended the year close to a high as did Sabina. Both of these plays are well into advance stages. Kaminak with it's Coffee Gold Project outside Dawson and Sabina with it's Black River project.


New Carolin Gold Corp. Receives Noteworthy Endorsement as Top Canadian Pick for 2016


This year it turns out that two well known followers of the mining sector are both following New Carolin Gold. Both At 5 cents a lot of people think this will be an easy 10 bagger this year. I have my own highlights written here about this stock.There has always been the old saying of buy when it is out of favor and right now gold and mining are out of favor, however the past few trading sessions since the new year started is showing some good sign for gold and gold stocks so now would be a great time to look at getting in on some of the forgotten gold plays.

Another thing to keep in mind when doing DD on this stock is that fact that this project called the Ladner Gold project is an enhancement of what is a trend along a fault that had 3 producing mines at one time. So it is essentially a reworking of old data with new technology to being these old mines back to life.

Also of interest here is some new listings of a few more gold mining operations for sale. Two are Yukon and one is in BC. I've always said "Why buy gold when you can buy a gold mine". Take a look at what's for sale right here.

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