Pitt Lake Lost Gold Mine

Pitt Lake's Lost Gold Mine

Pitt Lake's Lost Gold Mine is a fabulous lost mine said to be close Pitt Lake, British Columbia, Canada, the gathered abundance of which has held the creative energy of individuals worldwide for more than a century. After the years of the Fraser Canyon Gold Rush miners and travelers have been searching for the mine and dash for unheard of wealth gossipy tidbits have developed into legends rehashed and enhanced over the long haul. The secretive wealth are known as Slumach's Lost Mine, or Lost Creek Mine.

The narrative of Pitt Lake gold starts in 1858, the year of the Fraser Canyon Gold Rush, when various maps were distributed in San Francisco advancing the gold fields of British Columbia.Two of these maps demonstrate the words "gold" and "Indian diggings" in the nation above Pitt Lake. Another guide from that time demonstrates the words "much gold bearing quartz rock" on the north side of Pitt Lake, where after 10 years, in 1869, an Indian brought "... a decent prospect of gold… which he states he found in a little stream on the north side of Pitt Lake" to New Westminster. The report made "extraordinary energy" in the city, and gatherings set out to discover the diggings. In 1903, a daily paper in New Westminster BC reported that a man called George Moody, had guaranteed to have discovered a rich placer store at Pitt Lake, and had come back to town with $1,200 in coarse gold to demonstrate it. That was every one of that was distributed about Moody's find.

In 1905 it was told that in 1902 "an Indian" had traded gold dust for $1,600 in bills in New Westminster. A while later he returned with $1,800 in gold tidy, and then again with $1,400 in gold. He would not tell where he got it and endeavors to trail him fizzled. At that point the Indian took debilitated, likely on account of his presentation to harsh climate on undertakings in the mountains and a specialist let him know he was going to kick the bucket. The Indian told a relative the mystery wellspring of his gold — a rich placer at Pitt Lake — and depicted its area, giving the points of interest and following a rough guide of the region. After the anonymous Indian passed on, his relative, who had no cash, looked for the support of a white man. They were not able to follow the spot where the Indian said he had discovered the gold. With the mystery now out "there have been undertakings consistently trying to find the secretive placer." In 1906 another such campaign again neglected to locate the gold. The members had data that an old man had discovered some significant placer ground in the Pitt Lake nation and that he had concealed a generous measure of gold pieces under a stone. Before he kicked the bucket, he had left bearings where the fortune and the placer ground were to be found.

For 10 years Washington miner Wilbur Armstrong guided inquiry parties into the Pitt Lake range to locate the incredible fortune situated "inside 20 miles of the head of Pitt Lake." When met in 1915 Armstrong specified that in 1901 a white man called Walter Jackson discovered the mine. As in alternate stories Jackson fell gravely sick in the wake of finding the gold and before he kicked the bucket he composed a letter to a companion depicting his discover's area and this portrayal of the fortunes: "I discovered a spot where the bedrock is uncovered, and you will scarcely trust me when I let you know the bedrock was yellow with gold. In a couple of days there assembled thousands, and there was thousands all the more in sight. A portion of the pieces were as large as walnuts....I saw there were millions essentially at the surface. I covered a piece of the gold under a tent-molded rock with an imprint cut on the face." The tale of a white man finding the gold of Pitt Lake at first just showed up in daily papers in the United States.

After ten years an article showed up in the Vancouver Province reporting that for a long time many miners had been looking futile for "untold riches" in placer gold some place back of Pitt Lake. They were likewise searching for a fortune of placer gold covered under a stone by a miner called Shotwell—the man named Walter Jackson in Armstrong's story. Shotwell exited the Pitt Lake zone in the fall of 1901 and went to San Francisco where, as per the records at the United States mint, he stored more than $8,000 in placer gold. Taking after the commonplace example Shotwell fell sick and his doctor let him know that he had not long to live. Prior to the miner dying he sent a letter to an anonymous accomplice from his Alaska days, telling him that he had discovered "impressive rich placer ground in the mountains back of Pitt Lake." Shotwell said, he had covered a sack of gold "under a tent-formed rock, in a valley disregarded by three mountain tops standing near one another." The letter offered headings to where the "brilliant store" was covered and the grounds that Shotwell had met expectations. In a meeting in 1939, Hugh Murray of New Westminster retold the anecdote about a white miner, his rich placer gold discoveries and the store of gold under a tent-molded rock.

In Murray's record the man was called John Jackson, a veteran Alaskan miner, who in 1903, catching wind of the Slumach legend set out for the Pitt Lake territory and gave back after three months with a substantial pack-sack. Jackson stored $8,700 in gold in the Bank of British North America in San Francisco—an associate of a Canadian bank. Before he kicked the bucket, Jackson, experiencing the hardships of the pursuit, sent a letter and a guide with the data about the area of the fortune to a companion in Seattle called Shotwell. Being an old man, Shotwell himself was not able to hunt down the gold, and he sold an offer to a kindred Seattle man who went to the Pitt Lake locale searching for Jackson's rivulet "yet returned without achievement when the guide got to be halfway harmed." The harmed guide can't have been of much utilize and Jackson's letter was not a lot of an assistance either. But rather Murray, among others, continued accepting and looking. His conviction was fortified in the wake of meeting "… an old Indian lady at the Indian camp at the head of Pitt Lake recalled Jackson staying with them in 1903… " with his substantial pack that he would not let out of sight. Nowhere but in these stories is there any evidence that Jackson or Shotwell ever existed.

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