Uranium Miners & Exploration Companies "A-L"
ABM Resources NL (ASX: ABU) Projects in Western Australia.
A-Cap Resources Ltd. (ASX: ACB) No Website Australian junior minerals exploration company with its primary focus of activities in Botswana, Africa
Acclaim Exploration NL (ASX: AEX) Uranium mining in South Africa.
Adelaide Resources Ltd. (ASX:ADN) Projects in South Australia.
Adriana Resources (TSX-V: ADI) Uranium in Nunavut.
Alberta Star Development Corp. (TSX-V: ASX) Uranium in Canada's NWT.
Aldershot Resources Ltd (TSX-V: ALZ) Uranium exploration with Projects in Quebec, Australia and Zambia.
Alliance Resources Ltd. (ASX: AGS) Uranium exploration in South Australia
Altius Minerals (TSX: ALS) Exploring in Newfoundland.
Anglo-Canadian Uranium Corp. (TSX-V: URA) Uranium in Colorado, Utah, eastern Quebec and New Mexico.
Arafura Resources NL (ASX: ARU) Phosphates, rare earths and uranium.
Aura Energy Limited (ASX: AEE) Uranium projects in Australia and Africa.
Aurora Energy Resources Inc. (TSX: AXU) Acquisition and exploration of mineral resource properties in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.
Aurora Minerals Ltd. (ASX: ARM) Base metals, uranium, gold and iron ore in Australia.
Bannerman Resources Limited (ASX: BMN) Exploring and developing uranium projects in Namibia and Botswana.
Bayswater Uranium Corp. (TSX-V: BAY) The only uranium explorer to have major landholdings in each of Canada's most important producing and exploration regions - the Athabasca Basin, the Central Mineral Belt, the Thelon Basin and the Hermitage Belt.
Belmont Resources (TSX-V: BEA) Uranium projects in Saskatchewan and Labrador.
Benton Resources (TSX-V: BTC) A diverse property portfolio includes Canadian projects which are highly prospective for gold, uranium, platinum, palladium, Nickel and Copper.
Berkeley Resources Ltd. (ASX: BKY) Six advanced uranium exploration projects in Spain and Iberian Peninsular.
Bitterroot Resources Ltd. (TSX-V: BTT) Bitterroot owns recorded mineral title interests in approximately 363 square miles of lands and has entered into an exploration joint venture with Cameco.
Bluerock Resources Ltd. (TSX-V: BRD) The Company signed option agreements and is running exploration programs on uranium projects in Colorado, Utah and Mongolia.
Buffalo Gold Ltd. (OTCBB: BYBUF) Buffalo Gold moved onto the global stage for uranium exploration by acquiring all the shares of GoldFX Ltd., a private Australian junior resource company. The acquisition brought to Buffalo an outstanding portfolio of Australian uranium exploration properties in the Georgetown area of Queensland and Amadeus basin of the Northern Territory.
Cameco Corp. (TSX: CCO) Not a junior by any means but is a large world wide uranium miner.
CanAlaska Uranium Ltd. (TSX-V: CVV) A mineral exploration company undertaking uranium exploration on the Athabasca Basin of Saskatchewan, Canada. 19 projects at present.
Cascadia International Resources Inc (TSX-V: CJ) Uranium projects in Ontario.
Cash Minerals Ltd. (TSX-V: CHX) Focused on uranium exploration in the Wernecke District of the Yukon Territory, Canada.
Cline Mining Corp. (TSX: CMK) Morondava Uranium Project property area covers some 9,994 square kilometers and is located in the Morondava Basin
Commander Resources Ltd. (TSX-V: CMD) Uranium projects in Newfoundland.
Compass Resources N.L. (ASX: CMR) Focussed on uranium in the Rum Jungle mineral field in the Northern Territory of Australia.
Consolidated Abaddon Resources Inc. (TSX-V: ABN) Consolidated Abaddon has interest in approx. 160 square kilometres of highly prospective ground within the eastern flank of the Athabasca Basin in northern Saskatchewan.
Consolidated Pacific Bay Minerals Ltd. (TSX-V: CBP) Exploring for high-grade uranium in northern Quebec.
Contact Resources Limited (ASX: CTS) Contact Uranium Ltd is an Australian-based mining company with a portfolio of exceptional uranium projects in Peru, Kyrgyzstan and Western Australia.
Continental Precious Minerals Inc. (TSX-V: CZQ) Continental Precious Minerals Inc. is a uranium exploration company with a focus on the development of its Swedish assets.
Cooper Minerals Inc. (TSX-V: CQ) Uranium projects in Finland and the Contact Lake in the Great Bear Lake area of the Northwest Territories in Canada.
Crescent Resources Corp. (TSX-V: CRC) Crescent Resources is a well managed junior exploration company with a focus on uranium in Paraguay, South America.
Crosshair Exploration & Mining Corp. (TSX-V: CXX) Crosshair is a leading junior exploration company focused on exploring and developing uranium in the Central Mineral Belt of Labrador.
Cullen Resources Ltd. (ASX: CUL) Cullen's key strategy going forward is the generation of new copper, gold, uranium and base metals targets in Australia.
Curnamona Energy Limited (ASX: CUY) Exploring for uranium in South Australia.
Deep Yellow Ltd. (ASX: DYL) Deep Yellow Limited (DYL) is a prominent uranium explorer with advanced projects in Australia and Namibia.
Dejour Enterprises Ltd. (TSX-V: DEJ) Has a major interest in Titan Uranium, Inc. (TSX-V: TUE), with 1.44 million acres in the Athabasca and Thelon Basins, the world's most recognized areas for uranium exploration
Denison Mines Corp. (TSX: DML) 5 active uranium mining projects in North America.
Ditem Exploration (TSX-V: DIT) Uranium in Quebec and Saskatchewan.
Dynasty Metals Australia Limited (ASX: DMA) Uranium, Gold and Nickel exploration company. Exploration projects situated in Australia and Botswana.
Eagle Bay Resources NL (ASX: EBR) Exploration of uranium in South Australia and Western Australia.
Eagle Plains Resources (TSX-V: EPL) The company currently controls over 35 gold, silver, uranium, copper, molybdenum, zinc and rare earth mineral projects
East Asia Minerals (TSX-V: EAS) An exploration company with uranium, gold and copper assets in Mongolia and Indonesia.
Eleckra Mines Limited (ASX: EKM) Uranium exploration in Australia.
Elemental Minerals Limited (ASX: ELM) The Kimberly project is a prospective for base metals, uranium, pge and gold, and the other is the Forrestania project with a prospective for nickel and gold.
El Nino Ventures Inc. (TSX-V: ELN) Exploring for uranium in the Bancroft Uranium camp in Ontario, and has recently signed a Joint venture agreement with Boulder Creek Exploration.
Eloro Resources (TSX-V: ELO) Eloro has compiled a portfolio of precious, base metal and uranium projects in the James Bay area of northern Quebec.
Energy Fuels Inc. (TSX-V: EFR) The principal business activity of the company is mineral exploration, development, and mining of uranium & vanadium property interests located in the States of Colorado, Utah, and Arizona through its wholly-owned US subsidiary, Energy Fuels Resources Corp.
Energy Metals Corp. (TSX: EMC) EMC has one of the largest portfolios of properties containing Historic Resources of Uranium in the US and has a licensed Uranium Production Facility in Hobson, Texas
Energy Metals Limited (ASX: EME) Energy Metals has advanced projects located in the Northern Territory and Western Australia.
Energy Resources of Australia Ltd. (ASX: ERA) Uranium in Australia.
Encounter Resources Ltd. (ASX: ENR) Encounter is an exploration company focused on unlocking the uranium potential of its quality portfolio of assets in Western Australia.
Entourage Mining Ltd. (OTCBB: ETGMF) Entourage Mining Ltd. (OTCBB:ETGMF) has entered into an option agreement to acquire a 100% undivided beneficial right, title and interest in 44 mineral claims known as the Doran Uranium Deposit situated in southeast Quebec approximately 85 kilometers east of Havre St. Pierre in the Baie Johan Beetz area of Costebelle Township. The claims encompass approximately 24.73 sq. km.
Erdene Gold Inc. (TSX: ERD) The company's Mongolian exploration properties are focused on base metals (molybdenum and copper), precious metals (gold) and energy (uranium and coal).
ESO Uranium Corp. (TSX-V: ESO) Mineral exploration with strategically selected Gold, Lithium, and Uranium properties in North America.
Extract Resources Ltd. (ASX: EXT) Highly prospective uranium projects in both Australia and Namibia.
Firestone Ventures Inc. (TSX-V: FV) Canadian company exploring a diverse and high-quality portfolio of mineral projects in western Canada and Guatemala.
First Uranium Corporation (TSX: FIU) First Uranium Corporation is a resources company focused on the development of uranium and gold projects in South Africa.
Formation Capital Corp. (TSX: FCO) Formation Capital, through its wholly owned subsidiaries, has interests in base, precious metal and uranium projects in Canada, the United States and Mexico.
Forsys Metals Corp. (TSX: FSY) The Valencia uranium deposit, in Namibia, the company's flagship project, is 100% owned one of the very few near term new uranium producers on the planet.
Forum Uranium Corp (TSX-V: FDC) Company has a 100% interest in over 160,000 hectares of uranium exploration properties.
Freewest Resources Canada Inc (TSX-V: FWR) Uranium, base metals and gold in Eastern Canada.
Fronteer Development Group Inc. (TSX: FRG) Focus is strategic and precious metals like gold and uranium; we operate active exploration programs in stable countries like Canada, Western Turkey, and Mexico.
Frontier Pacific (TSX-V: FRP) Uranium exploration in Peru.
Full Metal Minerals Ltd. (TSX-V: FMM) Full Metal has thirteen active mineral projects which have exposure to gold, silver, copper, zinc, and uranium.
Garnet Point Resources (TSX-V: GRC) Garnet Point is a uranium exploration company working in British Columbia.
GLR Resources Inc. (TSX: GRS) Uranium exploration in Saskatchewan.
Gladiator Resources Ltd (ASX: GLA) Projects in Australia.
Glengarry Resources Ltd. (ASX: GGY) Base maetals, gold and uranium in Australia.
Glen Hawk Minerals (TSX-V: GHM) Uranium in Utah.
Global Uranium Corp. (TSX-V: GU) Property located within the Lisbon Valley Uranium District where 16 previously-producing uranium mines like the Mi Vida Mine, have resided.
Globe Uranium Limited (ASX: GBE) Australian-based uranium company whose strategy is to become a leading producer of uranium through global exploration and acquisition of advanced-stage uranium projects
Globex Mining Enterprises Inc. (TSX: GMX) Large North American portfolio of advanced properties with gold, copper, zinc, silver, uranium, platinum, palladium, magnesium and talc potential.
Golden Patriot Corp. (OTCBB: GPTC) The Lucky Boy Uranium Project consists of 14 BLM claims and an 80 acre State Lease contiguous to the claims. The Lucky Boy Project is a past producer and was one of the first producing uranium mines in the state of Arizona.
Golden State Resources Ltd. (ASX: GDN) Focused on natural gas and uranium projects located in the USA and gold projects in the Eastern Goldfields region of Western Australia.
Golden Valley Mines Ltd. (TSX-V: GZZ) Uranium properties in Northern Saskatchewan.
Golden West Resources Ltd. (ASX: GWR) Uranium exploration property in Australia.
Gondwana Resources Ltd. (ASX: GDA) The Moondong Well project is located in the Ashburton Mineral Field near Nanutarra in Western Australia.
Gravity West Mining Corp. (TSX-V: GRW) Gravity West holds land positions in Canada's Ontario Sibley Basin (uranium prospect), North West Territories' Hornby Basin (uranium prospect).
Great Western Mining (TSX-V: GWG) Saskatchewan-based junior exploration company engaged in the acquisition, exploration, and development of rare earth mineral properties in North America.
Hathor Exploration Ltd. (TSX-V: HAT) The company's prime focus currently rests in several substantial land holdings with Uranium potential in prospective uranium bearing areas of Western Canada.
Havilah Resources NL (ASX: HAV) Uranium deposits
hosted by tertiary sediments on certain of Havilah's Curnamona Craton tenements.
Hazelwood Resources Ltd. (ASX: HAZ) Exploration targets for rare metals, tungsten, gold and uranium at the Company's Greenfields projects.
Hillgrove Resources Ltd. (ASX: HGO) Hillgrove has a 31% shareholding in InterMet Resources Limited (ASX:ITT) which has over sq.6,000 km of ground in the Gawler Craton prospective for copper, gold, nickel and uranium.
IBI Corporation (TSX-V: IBI) Company is currently concentrating on uranium and gold in Uganda.
IGC Resources Inc. (TSX-V: IGC) IGC Resources is a dedicated mineral explorer focused on gold, copper and uranium.
Intermet Resources Ltd. (ASX: ITT) Discovering and developing major mineral deposits within the highly prospective Gawler Craton region in South Australia for minerals including copper, gold, uranium, nickel and base metals,
International Arimex Resources Inc. (TSX-V: IEA) Joint Ventured "Key Lake" and "Cree West" projects optioned from Canalaska Ventures within Saskatchewan's Athabasca Basin.
International Enexco Ltd. (TSX-V: IEC) Exploring the Mann Lake property which is located in the eastern Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan where ore uranium grades exceed 10 times the world average.
International Kirkland Minerals Inc. (TSX-V: IKI) International Kirkland Minerals Inc. has an option agreement to acquire up to a 100% interest in the Rupert River Uranium Property located in the East James Bay Area in the Province of Quebec.
International KRL Resources Corp. (TSX-V: IRK) The Company has mineral properties with discovery potential in the Yukon Territory, BC, Ontario and in the uranium-rich Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan.
International Montoro Resources (TSX-V: IMT) Uranium properties in Saskatchewan and Labrador.
Jindalee Resources Ltd. (ASX: JRL) Uranium in Australia.
JNR Resources Inc (TSX-V: JNN) The company has a varied interest in several prospective uranium properties in the Athabasca Basin of northern Saskatchewan.
Kalgoorlie-Boulder Resources Ltd (ASX: KAL) Projects are mainly located in the Kalgoorlie region for gold and base metals, the Gascoyne region of Western Australia and South Australia for uranium.
Kaminak Gold Corp. (TSX-V:KAM) Kaminak's projects range from early stage grassroots level to drill ready targets and are located in regions with proven gold, uranium, and nickel potential.
Khan Resources Inc. (TSX: KRI) Uranium exploration in Mongolia.
Kilgore Minerals Ltd. (TSX-V: KAU) The Company is currently focusing its exploration activities on mineral deposits, primarily uranium and gold, and through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Kilgore Gold Company, holds interests in twelve uranium properties and three gold properties, all of which are located in the United States.
Landmark Minerals Inc. (TSX-V: LML) A diversified exposure to high profile uranium exploration and development projects.
Laramide Resources Ltd. (TSX: LAM) The Companys current main focus is the advancement of its Westmoreland Uranium Project in Queensland, Australia, which has become Laramides flagship asset.
Logan Resources Ltd. (TSX-V: LGR) The Company has a portfolio of projects in the Yukon, the uranium-rich Athabasca Basin in Saskatchewan and in BC.
