Australian Companies Starting With "D & E"
Daguilar Gold Ltd (ASX: DGR)
Australian gold exploration company. Molybdenum Andurambah (SE Queensland) Solomon Islands gold project.
De Grey Mining Ltd (ASX: DEG)
Precious and base metals exploration company.
Deep Yellow Limited (ASX: DYL)
Uranium explorer with advanced projects in Australia and Namibia.
Diamonex Limited Ordinary (ASX: DON)
Portfolio of diamond exploration properties.
Dioro Exploration NL (ASX: DIO)
Gold explorer and miner in Australia.
Discovery Nickel Limited Ordinary (ASX: DNL)
Explorer for nickel and copper deposits in Australia.
Dominion Mining Ltd (ASX: DOM)
Australian gold producer and explorer.
Dragon Mining NL (ASX: DRA)
Svartliden Gold Mine in northern Sweden and has a portfolio of gold and precious metal projects in Sweden, FinLand, Spain and Russia.
Drake Resources (ASX: DRK)
Mineral exploration projects within New South Wales and Western Australia.
Durban Roodepoort Deep, Ltd (ASX: DRD)
Gold mining company based in South Africa. Listed on the ASX
Dwyka Resources Limited (DWY.AX)
Exploration for nickel and gold, in Burundi and Swaziland
Dynasty Metals Pty Ltd (ASX: DMA)
Exploration projectsin Australia and Botswana.
Australian Companies Starting With "E"
Eastern Corporation Ltd (ASX: ECU)
Mining coal in the Bowen Basin and New Zealand and coal seam methane (CSM) in the Galilee Basin.
Echelon Resources Ltd (ASX: ECH)
Gold and base metal exploration projects held in Queensland.
Eldore Mining Corporation Ltd (ASX: EDM)
Exploring the Nalesbitan Gold Project in the Municipality of Labo, Province of Camarines Norte, Philippines.
Elkedra Diamonds NL (ASX: EDN)
Diamond explorer with developing production Brazil and the Altjawarra Craton in Australia.
Ellendale Resources NL (ASX: ELL)
Diamond exploration company
Emperor Mines Ltd (ASX: EMP)
Owns and operates the Emperor Gold Mine at Vatukoula, Fiji
Energy Metals Limited (ASX: EME)
Uranium exploration company.
Equatorial Mining Limited (ASX: EQM)
Production of copper and exploration for minerals in Chile.
Equigold NL (ASX: EQI)
Exploration, development and mining of gold in Australia and West Africa.
Equinox Minerals Limited (ASX: EQN)
Copper mining and exploration in the Zambian Copperbelt region. Also uranium in Zambia
Eureka Mines Ltd (ASX: EKA)
Base metals exploration interest in the Northern Territory of Australia
Eurogold (ASX: EUG)
Gold and silver in Romania and the Ukraine.
Excel Coal Ltd (ASX: EXL)
Coal company based in Sydney, Australia
Exco Resources NL (ASX: EXS)
Copper and gold in Australia.
Extract Resources Limited (ASX: EXT)
Uranium projects in both Australia and Namibia.
