Australian Companies Starting With "F"
Falcon Minerals Ltd (ASX: FCN)
Gold, copper, nickel and platinum group elements projects.
Felix Resources Limited (ASX: FLX)
A coal mining and exploration company.
Flinders Diamonds Ltd (ASX: FDL)
Prospective projects for diamonds in South Australia, the Northern Territory and Western Australia.
Frontier Resources Ltd (ASX: FNT)
Frontier Resources Ltd is focused on discovering copper-gold-molybdenum porphyry, high grade and bulk mineable gold/ silver epithermal and gold + base metal skarn deposits in the highly mineralised Pacific 'Rim of Fire' in Papua New Guinea.
Fox Resources Ltd (ASX: FXR)
Precious and base metals exploration company operating in Western Australia.
Australian Companies Starting With "G"
Gallery Gold Ltd (ASX: GGN)
Exploration for gold in Botswana and Tanzania.
Gateway Mining NL (ASX: GML)
Gateway Mining is a gold and base metals explorer with mineral interests in Australia.
Gindalbie Metals NL (ASX: GBG)
Exploration for gold and nickel deposits.
Gippsland Ltd (ASX: GIP)
Tantalum, tin, feldspar & industrilas in Egypt.
Giralia Resources NL (ASX: GIR)
Giralia's primary objective is the discovery of significant precious and/or base metals mineralisation through the identification, acquisition and exploration of targets with the potential for world class mineral deposits.
Gleneagle Gold Ltd (ASX: GLN)
Gold explorer.
Glengarry Resources Limited (ASX: GGY)
strategic land holdings adjacent to two world class deposits; i.e. Kidston (gold) and Cannington (silver-lead-zinc).
Globe Uranium (ASX: GBE)
Uranium exploration in Western Australia Africa and South America.
Glouchester Coal Ltd (ASX: GCL)
Coal miner and explorer focused on the Gloucester Basin
GME Resources Ltd (ASX: GME)
Gold and nickle in Western Australia.
Gold Aura Ltd (ASX: GOA)
Fergusson Island Gold Project in Papua New Guinea. Exploration areas in North Queensland & China.
Golden Cross Resources Ltd (ASX: GCR)
Gold copper properties in Australia and Panama.
Golden Deeps Ltd (ASX: GED)
Junior exploration precious metals company.
Golden State Resources Ltd (ASX: GDN)
Natural gas and uranium projects located in the USA and gold projects in the Eastern Goldfields region of Western Australia.
Golden Tiger Mining NL (ASX: GTX)
Golden Tiger Mining NL. has significant interests in one of China's most important gold-bearing regions in the province of Guangxi, Southern China.
Golden West Resources Limited (GWR)
Gold and iron ore in Australia.
Goldsearch Limited (GSE)
Exploration in Philipines and Australia.
Goldstar Resources NL Ordinary (ASX: GDR)
An Australian gold company seeking to enhance shareholder value through the exploration, development and commercialisation of the Walhalla Gold Project – Victoria's highest grade hard rock historic gold field.
Goldstream Mining NL (ASX: GDM)
Projects in copper, nickel, iron ore and PGE. The Company's operations and interests span across diverse geographical locations including Australia, Africa and India.
Gondwana Resources Ltd (ASX: GDA)
A nickel and gold exploration company.
Grange Resources Ltd (ASX: GRR)
Holds equity positions and royalty interests in mining, development and exploration projects throughout Australia
Gravity Diamonds Limited (ASX: GRN)
Exploring for diamonds in Australia and the Democratic Republic of Congo
Graynic Metals Ltd (ASX: GYN)
The major commodity focus will be copper, zinc, nickel, lead, silver, gold and platinum group elements.
Greenland Minerals & Energy Limited (ASX: GGG)
Exploring for gold at the Three Sisters Project in Queensland.
Gold mining, mineral evaluation, development, and exploration industries in Australia and NZ
Great Australian Resources Limited (ASX: GAU)
Exploration in South Africa, South-East Asia and Australia.
Great Gold Mines N.L (ASX: GNL)
Gold exploration in Western Australia.
Great Western Exploration Limited (ASX: GWE)
nickel and gold prospects located in the Forrestania Greenston belt of Western Australia.
Greater Pacific Gold Ltd (ASX: GPN)
Gold exploration company.
Greenvale Mining NL (ASX: GRV)
Mining & mineral exploration company.
Gryphon Minerals Limited Ordinary (ASX: GRY)
Exploring and developing gold and base metals deposits Australia and west Africa.
Gullewa Limited (ASX: GUL)
Mining and exploration company in Australia.
Gunson Resources Ltd (ASX: GUN)
Copper, gold, nickle explorer in Australia.
GVM Metals Limited (ASX: GVM)
Coal in South Africa.
