Australian Companies Starting With "T"
Talisman Mining Ltd (ASX: TLM)
Explore and develop the company's gold leases in the Gascoyne-Murchison region with the aim of proving a combined greater than 1 million ozs of mineable gold.
Tamaya Resources Limited (ASX: TMR)
Tamaya Resources controls a copper mine in Chile and a gold exploration tenement package near Charters Towers in Queensland.
Tanami Gold NL (ASX: TAM)
OWns and mines the Coyote Gold Project.
Tasman Resources NL (ASX: TAS)
Exploration projects with a potential to host major mineral deposits in a wide range of precious and base metals including gold, silver, copper, zinc, lead, nickel, and uranium.
Tawana Resources NL (ASX: TAW)
Tawana has diamond projects in South Africa, Australia and Botswana.
Tectonic Resources (ASX: TTR)
Developing new mines for a new future, the company has two main development projects and an advanced exploration project. Tectonic Resources aspires to produce 100,000 ounces of gold per annum within three years.
TNG Limited (ASX: TNG)
The company's core focus is exploration at its 100% owned Manbarrum zinc-lead-silver project.
Terramin Australia Ltd. (ASX: TZN)
Zinc, lead mines and prospects in Australia and Algeria Africa.
Terrain Minerals Limited (ASX: TMX)
Terrain has four gold projects in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia.
Territory Resources Ltd (ASX: TTY)
Territory Resources Ltd is a carbon steel company, with iron ore resources under development in Northern Territory.
Territory Uranium Company Limited (ASX: TUC)
Exploration in areas prospective for uranium in particular, but also for nickel, gold and base metal mineralisation.
Thundelarra Exploration (ASX: THX)
Copper, nickle projects in Australia.
Thor Mining PLC (ASX: THR)
Thor is a specialty minerals exploration and development company focused on advancing tungsten, molybdenum and uranium projects.
Tianshan Goldfields Limited (ASX: TGF)
Developing its interest in the Gold Mountain Project in north western China.
Tiger Resources Limited (ASX: TGS)
The companys strategic focus is on the discovery or acquisition of significant high grade oxide Copper/Cobalt/Gold/Platinum/Palladium/Uranium deposits in the Congo.
Toro Energy Limited (ASX: TOE)
Uranium exploration in Australia.
Trafford Resources Limited (ASX: TRF)
Exploring for Iron Oxide, Copper, Gold and Uranium (IOCGU) deposits at the Wilcherry Hill Project in South Australias Gawler Craton.
Trajan Minerals Limited (ASX: TRJ)
Exploring the Litchfield/Batchlor area of the Northern Territory for magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE sulphide mineralisation.
Traka Resources Ltd (ASX: TKL)
Traka's exploration interests are all in the Ravensthorpe area located in the southern coastal region of Western Australia. Traka's ground holding at Ravensthorpe is extensive and active programs are underway for the discovery of nickel sulphides, iron ore and copper/gold.
Tri Origin Minerals Ltd (ASX: TRO)
Zinc-copper projects within the Lachlan Fold Belt of New South Wales, Australia.
Troy Resources NL (ASX: TRY)
The Company has two gold mining operations - at Sandstone in Western Australia and at Goiás in Brazil.
Truscott Mining Corporation Limited (ASX: TRM)
Exploration company that is focussed on becoming a gold producer in proven regions within the Northern Territory and Western Australia.
