Australian Companies Starting With "L & M"
Lafayette Mining Ltd (ASX: LAF)
The company is focused on the development of a polymetallic project (copper, gold. zinc and silver) on the Island of Rapu Rapu in
the Philippines.
Lake Resources N.L. (ASX: LKE)
Precious metals and base mineral explorer focused in Sweden, Argentina and Pakistan.
Latrobe Magmesium Limited (ASX: LMG)
Developing a magnesium production facility in the Latrobe Valley.
Lefroy Resources (ASX: LEF)
Gold exploration company.
Legend Mining Ltd (ASX: LEG)
The company is focused on creating shareholder value through the discovery of base metal and precious metal deposits at its
three main project areas in Western Australia.
Leviathan Resources Ltd (ASX: LVR)
Gold mining and exploration company whose main asset is the Stawell Gold Mine.
Liberty Gold NL Ordinary (ASX: LBY)
Uranium, gold, base metals, and nickel exploration properties.
Lihir Gold Ltd (ASX: LHG)
Lihir Island, Papua New Guinea open pit mine and processing facility gold operation. The mine is one of the world's largest
known gold resources, producing over 550,000 ounces of gold per year.
Lodestone Exploration Ltd (ASX: LOD)
Queensland based ASX listed gold and base metals exploration company with sharply focused programs near Mount Morgan
and Cracow in Central Queensland.
Australian Companies Starting With "M"
Macarthur Coal Ltd (ASX: MCC)
coal production and exploration company participating in joint ventures involved in exploration, mine development and coal
production within Queenslands Bowen Basin.
Macmin Ltd (ASX: MMN)
Silver mining company.
Magnesium International Ltd (ASX: MIL)
The company has a magnesium smelter project.
Malachite Resources NL (ASX: MAR)
Gold and silver exploration in eastern Australia and has exposure to base metals in NSW, Tasmania and Queensland.
Marathon Resources (ASX: MTN)
Uranium, copper and gold exploration company with Iron-Oxide, Copper-Gold, nickel and base metal (silver-lead-zinc)
prospects in South Australia and Western Victoria.
Marengo Mining (ASX: MGO)
Mineral exploration company with projects in Western Australia and the Northern Territory targeting gold, nickel, uranium and
other mineral deposits. Also copper-molybdenum project in Papua New Guinea.
Matilda Minerals (ASX: MAL)
Mining and exploration company set up to identify, explore and develop high grade zircon rich mineral sands deposits.
Matrix Metals Ltd (ASX: MRX)
The company is involved in copper mining and London Metals Exchange Copper Cathode production and extracting copper
oxide in the base metals province of Mt Isa, Queensland.
Mawson West Limited (ASX: MWE)
Mawson West Ltd is a junior Western Australian based gold and copper explorer, focused on two multi-million ounce gold
provinces, and the advanced Kapulo high-grade copper project in DRC/Zambia.
Medusa Mining Ltd (ASX: MML)
Gold and gold-copper exploration projects in the Philippines.
Metallica Minerals Ltd (ASX: MLM)
Metallica's focus and flagship project is its North Queensland Nickel Cobalt (NORNICO).
Meteoric Resources (ASX: MEI)
Exploration company with Warrego North copper-gold project.
Metex Resources Ltd (ASX: MEE)
The Company's business is mineral exploration and resource development.
Michelago Ltd (ASX: MIC)
Michelago Limited is an Australian gold mining company operating in China.
Midas Resources (ASX: MDS)
Gold exploration projects in Australia and a joint venture in a highly prospective part of South West China.
Midwest Corporation Ltd (ASX: MIS)
Midwest Corporation Limited ( Midwest ) is evaluating and developing a number of iron and steel feedstock materials projects in
the Mid West Region of Western Australia.
Minara Resources Limited (ASX: MRE)
The company owns and operates the Murrin Murrin nickel cobalt joint venture project near Leonora, Western Australia.
Mincor Resources NL (ASX: MCR)
Mincor operates five nickel mines in the Kambalda District of Western Australia, is developing a sixth, and carrying out feasibility
studies on two more. The Company is also very active in nickel, gold and base metal exploration throughout Australia.
Mindax Limited (ASX: MDX)
The company is a gold and nickel exploration company.
Mineral Commodities Ltd (ASX: MRC)
Mineral Commodities is an Australian-based resource company whose objective is to become a significant, unaligned
Heavy Mineral and Diamond/Gold producer with near term production supplying niche markets.
Mineral Deposits Ltd (ASX: MDL)
MDL has for many years been an Australian based producer of high quality mineral sands commodities, principally zircon and
rutile. Our current projects are large mineral sands and gold projects in Senegal, west Africa.
Minotaur Exploration Ltd (ASX: MEP)
Exploring for zinc, copper, chromium, gold and uranium.
Mirabela Nickel Limited Ordinary (ASX: MBN)
Mirabela Nickel Limited is a Brazil-focused explorer for base metals.
Mithril Resources Limited (ASX: MTH)
The company is a nickel explorer that focuses on the discovery and development of nickel-copper suplhide deposits in
Moly Mines (ASX: MOL)
Moly Mines Limited is an independent Australian resources company focused on the development of major specialty, base and
precious metals projects. Moly Mines Limited is working on and developing a number of Molybdenum (Mo) and Gold (Au)
projects within Australia.
Monaro Mining NL (ASX: MRO)
Exploration and development of uranium, gold, and base metals projects.
Monax Mining Limited (ASX: MOX)
Nickel-uranium-copper-gold-zinc exploration in Gawler Craton in South Australia.
Monto Minerals Ltd (ASX: MOO)
The company is a minerals (apatite, feldspar and ilmenite) mining, processing and marketing company.
Moto Goldmines Ltd (ASX: MTO)
Moto Goldmines has acquired the rights to earn an interest in the Moto mine group in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Mount Burgess Mining NL (ASX: MTB)
The company is a diamond, gold and base metals exploration company with a gold and base metals exploration project in
Telfer in Western Australia. Mount Burgess also has a diamond project and a base metals, uranium,vanadium project in Africa.
Morning Star Gold NL (ASX: MCO)
The company has the Morning Star gold mine in Woods Point gold province in Eastern Victoria.
Mount Gibson Iron Ltd (ASX: MGX)
The company is an iron ore exploration company focused on the development of a mine at Extension Hill.
Murchison Metals Ltd (ASX: MMX)
Murchison focuses on the mining and development of iron ore and other minerals from the Murchison region of Western Australia
Murchison United NL (ASX: MUR)
Murchison United NL is a mineral exploration company which acquires and develops industrial mining properties in western
Australia and Tasmania.
