Australian Companies Starting With "J & K"
Jabiru Metals Ltd (ASX: JML)
Australian base metals company which will make the transition to production this year following development completion and commissioning of the Jaguar Zinc-Copper Project in Western Australia.
Jackson Gold (ASX: JAK)
A diversified Australian exploration company with a portfolio of active gold, nickel and base metal projects in Australia.
Jaguar Mining (ASX: JAG)
Mineral exploration company with interests in copper, gold, nickel and tin.
Jervois Mining NL (ASX: JRV)
The Company produces gold from its Gold Mining Leases at Bullabulling and expects this activity to continue for some years. In addition, the Company has a joint venture with Newcrest Operations Ltd at Forest Reefs, also for gold. The Company's major asset is the nickel/cobalt/iron/scandium deposit in laterite near Young, NSW.
Jindalee Resources Ltd (ASX: JRL)
Gold, copper, uranium in Australia.
Jubilee Mines NL (ASX: JBM)
A mining and exploration company with a primary focus on high grade nickel sulphides.
Jupiter Energy Limited (ASX: JPR)
Gold explorer in Western Australia.
Jupiter Mines (ASX: JMS)
Australian mining company with high quality projects in the iron ore, gold, nickel and base metals sectors.
Australian Companies Starting With "K"
Kagara Zinc Ltd (ASX: KZL)
Acquired and developed a package of zinc sulphide deposits in the Mt Garnet-Chillagoe area in North Queensland.
Kalgoorlie-Boulder Resources Ltd (ASX: KAL)
Kalgoorlie-Boulder Resources Ltd's projects are mainly located in the Kalgoorlie region for gold and base metals, the Gascoyne region of Western Australia and South Australia for uranium.
Kentor Gold (ASX: KGL)
Gold and geothermal energy assets in the Kyrgyz Republic in central Asia, and uranium exploration licences in Australia.
Kimberley Diamond Company (ASX: KIM)
Kimberley produces predominantly gem and near-gem quality diamonds, making it the second highest price per carat of any hard rock diamond mine in the world. Kimberley's signature stone is the rare and highly valuable Fancy Yellow Diamond.
Kings Minerals NL (ASX: KMN)
Exploration for gold, silver and base metals in Mexico plus gold and copper projects in the Mt Isa region and gold at Ravenswood Queensland Australia.
Kingsgate Consolidated NL (ASX: KCN)
The company owns and operates the low cost Chatree gold mine in central Thailand through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Akara mining limited.
Korab Resources (ASX: KOR)
Korab is an Australian resources exploration company with gold and polymetallic projects in Western Australia and the Northern Territory.
